Just a thought to fix match making we must first fix ranking

It too easy to move up and down the ranks. One good session move you up to or three one bad session knocks you down five. People get bored or frustrated at red purposefully bust down to green or yellow just to be mean. So how about no more pips and no losing your rank and no more rank reset. we use the match emblems
The following is just suggestions it can be tweaked or modified to better suit the needs in practice
From 20 to 19 it would take 10 gold emblem in any category. Then from 13 to 12 it takes 5 red in each category and so on requiring more play time and more skill at a sustained level if your having a hard time getting what you need to pass rank 9 your probably where you need to be. if your killing it and doing really well more often then not then you'll move up of faster.
You cant lose rank this keeps people from getting g discouraged when they have a few bad nights in a row and keeps but heads from previously mentioned activities as well as no rank reset to much chaos and d heads.
With this the rank actually means something and give you something to work towards as a player and then with that all the rank 13 players would be of the skill level there for match making can soon after can get corrected and you will he playing against players that are of appropriate challenge
Rank is worthless until there's a reward for it. Any suggestion to rework it is dumb until then.
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Reworking it to fix match making is dumb got it. how about something constructive what additional rewards should be granted with moving up since you will only get it once and it gets harder to get. Ia this where you should be granted ultra rare addons or would you prefer cosmetics perhaps something else entirely