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Killers Review Bombing Dbd

Member Posts: 368
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

So i just was on steam and it seems that Killers are Review bombing Dbd over the Doctor/Ruin changes. Like seriously guys? Could you not? I may not like these changes but this is getting ridiculous.


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  • Member Posts: 163

    And you're not entitled to survive every game you also forgot temple of purgation as survivor friendly also on some maps like temple or Ormond you can't even make it to a gen before it's done even if you walk straight there at the start without ruin

  • Member Posts: 163

    Where you not around when balanced landing was nerfed or self care ? You didn't see how big survivors threw a fit

  • Wait till the inevitable toolbox nerf. They are gonna lose it lol.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    Using Haunted Grounds as an example of a reliable insta-down


    Adrenaline is hit or miss

    So is NOED, Iron Maiden, or Mad Grit. But these perks are rarely used in high ranks unlike Adrenaline, so surely that says something about how powerful the latter is?

    Decisive Strike is one time use, countered by slugging; Unbreakable is one-time use

    Slugging is countered by Unbreakable, as well as lockers. Now you have a survivor that wastes your time no matter what, with no counter.


    Self-care has been a pretty bad perk for a while now.

    You forgot Borrowed Time, which allows the unhooked person to run right into you to make you waste time hitting them, and potentially eat their DS afterwards.

    You need to apply better pressure

    Try pressuring gens with killers like Bubba, Myers, or Clown on Red Forest. Some maps are too big, man.

    Also, Dying Light is bad and almost no one uses it. Rancor is trash. Franklin's is situational and usually not worth the slot. Insidious is trash. Thanataphobia and Sloppy are only really good on a few killers. Same goes for Infectious Fright. Thrilling Tremors is meh.

    Many killers are forced to use meta perks to be viable. Meanwhile, I can run a casual build on survivor and not break a sweat reaching rank 1. Even playing solo I can get there without too much trouble.

    Let's try again to list strong survivor perks: BT, Adrenaline, Iron Will, Spine Chill, Resilience, DS, Unbreakable, Sprint Burst, Dead Hard, Balanced Landing, Bond, and Kindred. Not to mention survivors have access to flashlights to reset entire chases and keys to win the game early.

    And yes, most killers get more BP but the game shouldn't be balanced around BP. It should be the other way around.

  • Member Posts: 449

    I fail to see how games are killer sided. You can go into a locker when the killer is about to hook someone for 4 seconds and wait out BBQ. How can you even say that iron maiden is a good killer perk? You're only exposed for 15 seconds. If you're across the map and it isn't a mobile killer, then it's pointless. Pop is only good for slowing down gen regression, even at that. It's only taking about 25 seconds off of progression, honestly not that big of a deal.

    Also, let's not forget how many survivor sided maps there are. Currently the only good killer maps are Lery's (getting changed so it's more balanced) and Hawkins. You could say that the Game is killer sided, except for the fact if you play smart about generators, it's really not.

  • Member Posts: 251

    You should get used to it. The game and DLC for it gets review bombed all the time for changes they dont like or bad perks or op or weak killers

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    Survivors did the same when their perks got nerfed. Its just the DbD playerbase always calling the devs changes stupid.

  • 75% kill rate too low.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    No one said any of that, though. Literally all they said was that they think the balance of the game is killer-sided, which is a debatable issue, and that killers have a lot of great perks, which is true. And that killers tend to earn more bloodpoints than survivors, which is also true.

    I understand that there are a lot of survivors who do think the way you described, but it seems like you're taking out your frustration with them on someone who (in this thread at least, I haven't read all their other posts) has not even implied anything as dramatic as "killers don't deserve perks" or "killers aren't supposed to have fun". Telling someone that they deserve to be camped, tunnelled and moried for saying that the game is balanced in the killer's favour seems a bit extreme.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Ok I know this might be confusing so try and bare with me what happens when the new players get better at the game this issue pops right back up so you're suggesting we ignore it so the newer players they won't be babies forever you do understand that right ?

  • Member Posts: 328

    This is not suprising coz developers overdo it with last patch.

    1) BHVR is constantly nerfing killers and their perks mainly.

    2) BHVR doesnt care about problems like crazy gen speeds and instead they make this problem worse by nerfing Ruin (the only early slow down perk).

    3) BHVR is reasoning with "frustrated" survivors, "annoying" play against...etc. - this is more then prove about survivor-sided developers. These notes was one big slap in killers faces.

    4) BHVR is not listening to killers, only to survivors and continue gutting one killer after one and their perks.

    5) BHVR sees that 80% of red ranks is using Ruin and instead of solving source of this need they nerf perk. Instad of balancing gen speeds they destroy only perk that can slow it down and little.

    Killer player are costumers, they bought game and they have right to state reviews about product they bought. And if they are not satisfied they have right to warn potentional costumers about it. I did review as well. As killer main I bought every killer, some skins, invested time to unlock almost all perks and BHVR is making killers with every patch more useless and their perks as well so I made review where I warn about survivor-sided policy of developers to save money of potentional costumers that may want main killers.

  • Member Posts: 77

    Doesn't seem like review bombing to me.

  • Member Posts: 163

    Also I guess no game should ever do competitive because it won't be as big as lol or DotA huh see how that doesn't makes sense

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2020

    Maybe you should try to truly read a post before answering? Is English a language you can handle?

    Most people will barely increase their skill. These days most people play casually. I told you so in my first comment. Which you obviously did not bother reading well.

    In every competitive game the lower ranks will be the majority for the entire time of the game's existence.

    Again you did not read or even partially understand what I said.

    I said that it makes utterly no sense to balance a game around a fracture of it's player base that generates little to no money...

    In the games I mentioned it was possible because they (the high ranks) were generating money and because of esport events they were able to be strong role models for the player base. Bad balancing in their favour was therefor forgiven.

    DbD can never do this. Solely because of it's asynchronous nature. Therefor it can never be balanced around the high ranks.

    Really cool to fast read a post for 2 or 3 buzzwords and then ######### post.

  • Member Posts: 163

    You're basing your entire arugment on most people not even trying to get better and just play like potatoes therefore we should balance it for potatoes we shouldn't even try to increase skills according to you

  • Member Posts: 328

    Agree, but they are balancing it for "survivor" potatoes that are lazy to try increase skills. Killers are required higher and higher skill cap with every nerf patch.

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2020

    Yes be my guest and achieve that. Increase casual payer's skill in a game with no esport potential. With most people who do not even want to play competitively.

    Friends of mine for example play DbD exactly like that. They go into a game and they don't even care if they survive. For them the thrill and maybe tiny and very slow progression is enough.

    And escaping only sometimes is OK for them. They enjoy the game already.

    Despite that, RUIN literally ruined their fun and made them stop playing at one point. Because they were not able to complete a single generator anymore. Even for casuals there is a limit of tolerance.

    Now you would think "But Dante, then they will finally want to get better!"

    Yes as much as most teenagers want to excel at maths when they get mediocre grades instead of having fun. That's why we are all engineers and scientists.

    When I offered them some tips they told me no, they only play it for fun.

    And believe it or not, most people play games for casual fun, even in games that are designed to be competitive.

    You know why that is ok? Because without them buying a lot of skins or hats or outfits or whatever to increase their casual fun and smile and their money, games like DbD would not even exist, at least not for long.

    Many investors and industry names judged DbD in the beginning as not being doable well because of the entire concept and asynchronous nature. And I know many of you can't accept that, because you are busy being micro butthurt all the time and you lack knowledge of business and game design, but BHVR did a damn good job. And the casual players made the game a success.

    I mean, again, if you can achieve the change, go for it!

    I'd love that. Re educate them.

    So what is your strategy? How will you build enough force to do that?

    Building a community with enough significance to push the message?

    Make excelling at DbD sexy for casual players?

    What will you offer them in return? They are already having fun and if it stops, they will just go to a different game.

    Your strategy is literally serving overpriced lobster, cooked by Gordon Ramsey, inside of a McDonald's.

    Good Luck with that!

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Member Posts: 142

    Dude, my freaking dude. Show me the low rank survivors without skill who pop gens in 4 minutes.

    Again you are distorting the reality.

    You are taking about higher ranks.

    Show me the survivors who loop or gen rush successfully in low ranks...

    Ruin was used so often because the game is not balanced and can not be balanced for everybody on the same way.

    It is an asynchronous game that gets even more difficult to balance with differences in skill.

    And let's not even talk about SWF.

    Another thing that is not balanced but needed.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Just curious what anyone is calling a review bomb since the negative reviews are pretty much inline with the number of negative reviews any other month...

  • Member Posts: 142
    edited January 2020

    Thank you for quoting my response. It got deleted while editing on mobile.

    First of all, dont make it an "US VERSUS THEM" thing. I am not seeing things survivor or killer biased. I see a problem in balancing different skill levels for everybody effectively.

    Again you take the argument into higher ranks. You obviously did not read all my previous posts.

    The current stance is that the game will be less well balanced for the higher ranks.

    It is a money thing and it is well understandable. Of course it is not admitted openly.

    Oh yes out of the countless players there are a handful of videos in which they succesffully repair gens fastly and escape. You think that is the norm in lower ranks? I play with lower rank friends, let me tell you it is not. They are also playing Killer, by the way.

    I do not think that the main issue is gen times, more so a complex cluster problem out of gen times, map layout, huge difference in different killer gameplay, different platforms, etc.

    "Shifting the problem around does not fix the problem."
    "Solving one problem while creating two more problems does not solve anything."

    Exactly! But at the moment the problem affects less people in higher ranks (because numbers), than in lower ranks. That is why it is biased towards lower ranks. They are more!

    "You're complaining that games are too hard for new players to deal with"

    No! Not only new players! Read my earlier posts! Casual does not mean exclusively new.

    Stop thinking BHVR are incompetent. They are not. But they need money and can not risk losing most of their low rank player base.

    And I am very sure they are trying to make things at least better for everybody, while they are applying band aids.

    You know what could have a really good balance within economic doability?


    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Was chatting with my GF earlier cuz she hopped on for abit last night. If I remember right, shes about rank 9 on survivor and rank 17 killer, lol. She said that as a solo q survivor, was taking like 15-20 minutes to find a game, which was the only reason she played so many killer games last night...cuz shed find one in 1 minute. She's about as casual of a gamer as you can get, while I'm the more competitive one...but she also added in that she stopped having an issue with ruin awhile ago. She finally stopped searching the map for the totem, hallelujah, lol.

  • Member Posts: 3,047
    edited January 2020

    I think it's more about the fact Killer players want to sit down and enjoy the game too. Kinda hard to do when the one perk that made it so you wont have to sweat every game or helps balance out the Map RNG was basically just destroyed. Nothing like telling a player to get better when they have bad map design and lose a gen or 2 by walking across the map to apply the pressure.

    It's also gave a massive message to killers basically saying "was too hard and unfun for survivors to deal with" which is not exactly a good business plan.

    It's not like you can't play without Ruin killers do it on a regular basis. Well most do just a few DC when it gets destroyed.

    Either way long run this will just increase survivor que times. Not sure by how much, but imma guess it's going to be noticable.

  • Member Posts: 142

    You keep making the same logic mistakes in your argument.

    The game is balanced around the lower ranks. They are the majority. They are not connected to the higher ranks.

    That the matchmaking is kind of malfunctioning at the moment is a known problem. The devs state so themselves. It is a complete seperate issue from what we talked about earlier. Completely different argument. Low ranks need to be matched with low ranks, high ranks with high ranks.

    Believe me, this is not happening because of a lack of casual players.

  • Member Posts: 103

    So, because people are potatoes, they should be rewarded for not getting better is what that kinda sounds like?

    Learning survivor isn't too hard. Gens are pretty easy to learn by doing, and then it's just learn loops, and then learn to counter killers and perks by doing.

    Catering to the potatoes though is an easy way for them to not learn, as if you can get anything nerfed instead of learning to counter it, why bother?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Feel like this might also result in abit less diversity of the killers seen. If 2 gens get popped before you can cross the map as Clown as opposed to Billy... you're more likely to see even more Billys and less Clowns. Personally... its complete coincidence that I started practicing Billy at about the same time that the ruin change was announced.

  • Member Posts: 1,100
    edited January 2020

    Silence, killer AI! We never programmed you to talk back. Now run in circles. Yes, yes... DANCE MONKEY!!!!

    : (

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Would be interesting to see how much of the player base is at what rank. If ya cut out ppl who only play one side or another every once in a blue moon (10% or less), could be interesting to see just how many more red rank survivors there are than red rank killers and such.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Even in a casual game, if you dont want to get better at the game then expect to suck at the game, goes for killer and survivor, the WORST thing you can do is make it so you can advance without getting better at it

  • Member Posts: 2,246
    edited January 2020


    How do you expect anybody to believe your story that ruin killed fun for your friends? Lmao

    Ruin kills fun but not being camped/tunneled ok, then. 🤣 Also ruin is more likely to appear in redranks, where it was used in 80% of matches in the low ranks, where your friends probably were, killers rarely use it cause they do not have it.

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited January 2020

    I just think that, as much as I hate the new ruin on both sides perspective, untill we dont see it rinning for at least 1 week we can't know if and how will affect the high ranks games.

    Imo it is going to take off a lot of fun and challenge to the point to.make the game unfun, yesterday we got three matches without ruin and being all from 4 to 2 rank, we completed gens really quickly, but I am open to see it first.

  • Member Posts: 449

    They made it to where killers earned more blood points because at one point survivors earned the same amount. So nobody was really playing killer because you could earn the same amount as survivors while being able to more easily bully.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Yep I get the feeling unless you can quickly cross the map, slow the game down, stealth, Instadown, or some combination of these then the killer will most likely be weaker then before.

    I actually legitimately hate this update. I don't mind the changes to Ruin or Doctor, but I do strongly hate what the Dev's are clearly saying about "survivors fun or balance towards new players". To me all this change says is "survivors fun matters more then a killer enjoying themselves too".

    I'm so glad I long ago forced myself to abandon Ruin. Still this does not make it right a lot of people used it because they were told too, but then some players needed it whime others hated the map RNG.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    this is assuming his friends werent pulled into red rank games from SWFs

  • Member Posts: 1,620
  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Remember when Freddy came out?

    That was a reviewbomb

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Just speaking of how the game currently works. Keep getting newbies that wanna play with their friends thatve been playing for awhile... Next thing I know, theres a Claudette trying to selfcare behind a rock in the corner of the map. I always just sigh when I hear the moaning.

  • Member Posts: 150

    This is how i feel about the game balance right now. Survivors have been nerfed a good amount of times. Most of which were good changes to help balance the game. But as soon as a killer gets touched for any reason everybody on the forums go crazy. While survivors post about 2-3 threads about nerfs on their behalf and that's it. The doctor rework for example which is clearly a buff is apparently a nerf ??? Same with ruin it was finally buffed from it's old state which killers had wanted for ages. Because with old ruin good survivors could power through it if they hit greats. Which made it horrible in red ranks not to mention it could be cleansed. But with new ruin it rewards killers for doing there job of pushing survivors off of gens. But no it's still a nerf because the devs said it was to make it less frustrating for survivors. Which killers could take out of context and use it to criticise the devs so killers could get even more buffs.

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