Devs, bring being able to see ranks in the lobby back

I just had a game of solo that was horrible.
I'm a rank 1 survivor, the killer is also rank 1. My team consists of a rank 7, 15 and 20. For the love of all that is holy fix matchmaking and bring the ranks in lobby back. I'm literally playing for no reason at this point as all games are ending the same way. I get hooked and my whole team dies. I've had 5 games now where I've died on 1st hook.
This is ridiculous
EDIT: I also forgot to mention that your solution to this is hiding ranks at the end of the game at the scoreboard. What a pathetic way to hide your problems
You know what my solution is? Checking their steam profiles before hit the ready button.
The problem with this is a lot of the profiles did not show, how many hours they have in the game.
But if you do the checking you will find out that they have a huge problem with the match making.
I have over 300 hours in game and they try to give me teammates that barely have 20 hours. No joke!! So imagine what kind of rank they possibly have with 20 hours in game...
Maybe they doing this on purpose, so we don't have to wait on lobby but I would prefer longer queue time and then a quality match than a short lobby time with a trash match.
Hopefully they change it back in 13 when rank reset. If not, for me it's equal with, devs have no clue where is the problem, which will lead me to an uninstall..
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I'm a Ps4 player
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Rank16 aka maybe 50hours in the game....
Pretty good job so far!
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I think they were probably a SWF, which even still is absurd, as the lowest rank was 7.
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And when I'm going in blind. 1 gen was repaired! Only one...and the killer played without Ruin....
Fix the match making and a lot of unhappiness is gone. Don't fix it and then in a few months dbd will be like underlords. The game which lost 80% of it's player base.
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They weren't. The rank 7 who was David loaded in separately then the other 2 loaded in together.
2 friends who were both low rank got a rank 1 survivor. Pretty good job so far