Killer perk buff suggestions. Would love to hear your comments on them


  • hysteria
    hysteria Member Posts: 62

    why would you nerf surge??? you said buff but still gave it an increased cooldown? just make the 40s cooldown across all tiers & increase the range.

    if you're gonna give BS that extra effect, add a cooldown of, let's say, 30s, then allow it to decrease its cooldown when leveling it up. the 20% faster break speed can be across all tiers.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I can say that you make all of them 2 op. Let me demonstrate. Surge,good thought,but honestly it's more of a Nerf. Pop is already an s tier perk,so buffing it more,no. Just make it work with tokens for me it would be so much better. Thanatophobia,still no. I would rather make it that every gen gets the penalty,not the nearest. Blood echo,too op with killers that don't let you heal (legion,plague) too op imo. Corrupt,just make it one generator and make the effect for less seconds,because you basically make thrilling tremors useless. Last but not least,brutal strength. I'm ok about the entity thing and I believe I'm not in position to judge this decision.

    Good ideas tho. Keep up the great work!!!!!

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    What if surge was the same before but also gets affected by hitting survivors? Would it be still a nerf?

    I understand why you don't want pop buffed.

    I feel like if thana worked in every generator it would become too op, thats why I wanted it close to a generator to go with the perks name, of fearing death

    Maybe I wrote it wrong but blood echo would make you explode a generator but not make you lose progress, it would only reveal your location(like when you vault a window)

    and thanks for the feedback

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Don't see how that is progressive feedback but allright