When are you finally going to do something about DC's?

I'm still getting them in just about every match. It's seriously ruining the game for everyone, you can't ignore it forever.
They literally tested dc punishments a few weeks ago, they are not ignoring it.
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They can't do something about DC's because it's an easy way out of the match for the survivors. It's the only thing they can do if a killer is OP. And when the Devs remove it, all the baby survivor mains are going to cry.
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Yeah and they deleted it because it was working and upset people who were DC'ing lol
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Not saying they need to remove the option, just punish people for doing it, it's that easy.
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Honestly, I know the devs are trying to keep as many players in the community, but they have to be ok with cutting off the toxic/dc players. The community would be so much healthier as a whole.
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We recently tested a new system, it was on for a short while for testing. It was not removed because it upset the people who were dc'ing @Perelie it was removed because it was not where it needed to be, which was why it was only in testing phase.
When we have a fully working solution, please be assured we will communicate about it here. And it is something that's still being worked on - the issue of DC's has not been forgotten about.
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Awesome, cheers for response.
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I dont get that many DCs, the DCs I got yesterday were almost all Crashes. (1 while playing Killer, two while playing Survivor). This of course only when they did not pull the cable, but one guy was healing me, so I doubt he decided to drop out at exactly that point.
Thing is, the DC penalty should not be implemented as long as the game is broken. You may end up being stuck or HAVE to DC because of a Bug. Or you simply crash in Loading Screen. It would be really bad if you get punished for the game having problems.
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Just think of it this way. The more salty people who DC because they got found first that have to wait for their timer to end... the faster queue times for everyone else..
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You can generally tell the difference between someone who pushed the button and someone who crashed/pulled the plug by the sound effect that follows. If theres a sound effect, they pushed the button. The reasons you stated, such as crashing in loading screen and such is actually the very reasons they HAVEN'T implemented the changes yet. I DO see rage quitters fairly frequently, so would be nice to have something done about that. If screws over the team when someone nopes out. Ive had survivors disappear from my arms and screw over nearby teammates who wouldve gotten alot more of a head start if I had finished walking to a hook.
As far as the suicide on hook thing... Frankly, if a survivor FINDS me so they can die as soon as the game starts because they dont like the killer/map/whatever... I'll leave em slugged. They can either have their time wasted on the ground or have their time wasted waiting for a DC timeout.
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I know, but you cannot tell if they actually crashed or simply pulled the plug.
Regarding Suiciding: Nothing can be done about that. And this is why the DC penalty is quite meaningless, of course a Killer is fine with a Survivor killing themselves, they get a bunch of points and their BBQ Stack. But as Survivor, for me there is no difference if that guy kills himself or DCs.
As Survivor it does also not make a difference if the Killer who gets Haddonfield DCs or simply decides to stand in a corner, facing the Wall.
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Regarding the whole DC vs suicide thing...
Teams like this who DCed within 15 seconds of the game starting would be likely to find me to suicide. Thats what I was referring to when I said...they can crawl for awhile.
At least as far as other survivors go though, its nice at LEAST having the time it takes for the killer to hook someone to get away, as opposed to the Billy who WAS just carrying someone to all of a sudden turn and chainsaw after YOU cuz the meg he was carrying disappeared. You're right though about pulling the plug vs actual crash. From my experiences, I dont run into very many "crashes" that just happen to take place when someone just happens to be in a bad situation.