do you do this? cmon, fess up.

spam rushed actions to blow the killers eardrums out. why? why do people always do this? usually i ignore them, but when i DO go for that person, theyre always the worst player on the team.
do you do this? if so, why??
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Only if I want to give them a kill at the end
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Nope, I usually just hear it at the end when survivors are near the gates and they want me to see them tbag. I spend my time looking to close the hatch...
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Last night i chased a clown around while he was chasing someone else. Finally i ran into his smoke. He still ignored me. I had to literally get behind the survivor he was chasing to get him to follow me. Unfortunately the other survivor used all the pallets so i didn't last very long.
Had a daily to get chased for 2 minutes.
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I don't quite get what you're saying, I usually drop a random pallet on the map to get the killer to look for me, but only if I have the perk to lift that pallet back up as soon as I dropped it.
I run fixated (they come and look for me but can't find me, I made them waste half a minute doing so) and in the case they do find me I'm a good looper so...
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have you ever played killer?
survs will jump in and out of lockers over and over for minutes on end to spam the explosion noise
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Yep, rank 1 every month since launch on both sides. Trapper and GF mains
I have never gotten to play against survivors who do such things, weird at red or purple ranks on xbox if you ask me.
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I've done this but generally only if the killer is tunneling the person just off hook. They can't use the excuse I didn't know where anyone else was at.
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Definitely no.
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oh youre on console. thats why maybe.
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If you don't tunnel you won't see me do it... Unless you tunnel than:
Tunneling is annoying and toxic. Stop.
See how this is a two way street?
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I had never thought of doing that as a way for them to know we're against tunneling when I'm survivor. Thanks!
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no. i dont. one is playing the game. the other is spamming ######### to annoy the killer for literally no reason. if the killer is tunneling someone, thats 3 chases, downs, and hooks that you have to sit on gens. just do the objective rather than be a child and throw a fit. tunneling is the killer playing the objective.
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Its to draw attention. I tend to check it, 9 times out of 10 its a survivor who thinks they can lead a chase but go down ridiculously quickly
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Nope. If I hypothetically wanted to get the Killer's attention away from someone else or something else, I'd just find them and run up to them.
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It's one annoying mechanic in the game to counter another annoying mechanic in the game.
The reason I've done it is exactly as you said, its to annoy the killer, now its not for "no reason" its because they either refused to chase me to go for the much easier chase an injured survivor or they didn't see me and only saw the injured survivor. It's a tactic for getting the killers attention.
If you honestly consider chasing the just unhooked injured survivor a chase, than you just want the easy kill and to tunnel people. Good for you. But if you don't see how your being toxic and I am not, then we simply won't ever agree. It's just that simple.
Also Survivors have 4 objectives, not just gens. Objective 1, do gens. Objective 2, Be Chased. Objective 3, Helping other survivors. And Object 4, Escape.
So getting the chase of an injured already hooked survivor in favor of me being chased is an objective.
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cept you arent doing anything productive. at all.
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Which is good for you than, that is one less person doing a gen. So why are you complaining again?
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because its loud and obnoxious. and its done specifically to BE annoying.
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Tunneling is obnoxious.
You're clearly missing my point or to stubborn to see it, your are trying to tell me to stop doing something you find obnoxious but seem to refuse to not stop doing something I find obnoxious.
Your at a bargaining table asking for a loan but willing to give zero collateral to secure the loan.
As I said before, I do not do this unless the killer is doing a specific action. If the killer isn't being obnoxious then I am not being obnoxious.
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but tunneling is literally just doing exactly what the killer is supposed to do, just in a way you dont like.
spamming rushed actions is ONLY used to be an annoying child.
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If I'm trying to get the killer's attention for some reason, then yes.
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I don't.
And when others do it to me, I usually ignore it. They tend to keep chasing me around, so it's 1 less person to care about in the gen department.
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See your still missing the point. It has nothing to do with you doing your objective or me doing mine.
The game should be fun for both sides. I do not find getting tunneled fun. More than likely neither does my teammate. I've yet to find a survivor that is like, "Yes please tunnel me".
Its not longer about you doing your objective or me doing mine, its about you taking the fun out of the game for a player.
And honestly if you want to be obnoxious and tunnel, go ahead, I wont stop you, but it doesn't mean I have to keep the game fun for you either.
This mentality so many people in this community have of, the game has to be fun for my role, screw your role is how these debates start.
Literally if you wouldn't tunnel people, which unless your 7 years old, you would know the person being tunneled is not having fun I bet you would have this happen much less. Meaning we would each have fun.
You would be getting into chases without loud bashing noises and survivors wouldn't be getting tunneled. But instead you care more about your enjoyment for the game than 4 other people you are playing with.
Is it because them are random strangers you've never met? What if you were playing with your SO, Best Friend and two other close friends. Would you want them to enjoy the game you are trying to share with them? Or would you rather chase them off hook every single time and make them watch you do that to their and your friends? Just waiting to get into another round, where you can chase them off hook each time?
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@LunarFace here is where I can show you how we differ as reasonable human beings.
See though I understand the reasoning behind what your doing, I would consider this toxic. At this point yes you are trying to help a teammate, but if the killer wasn't playing toxic all game, this I would consider toxic. You are ruining the killers fun for no good reason.
The context matters, in this case, if the killer didn't camp or tunnel or do anything to ruing your fun all game then you are doing this to be obnoxious to someone who really doesn't deserve it.
Once again both sides should have fun, and to do this on the very slight off chance that the killer will miss up isn't going to be fun for the killer.
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It's so cute when they do this when I don't feel like going to the exit gate, like I can't just...
-mutes TV-
Outplayed, son.
Survivors usually spam noises at me because I'm ignoring them. Every once in a while it's done to screw me up during a chase, but that's rare in my games.
If I spam noise notifications, it's either the beginning of the game and I need to do some stupid challenge or daily ritual and it requires interacting with the killer, or the match has gone sour and I want to surrender. Like, if three survivors DC, I'm not going to go stealthing around the map; I'll spam vault something and the killer can decide how they want to proceed.
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If you're making a point of asking me to say whether I did this, why would I ever say I would if you're gonna insult and belittle then tell me to stop? Like what's the point of telling you.
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Had someone do this to me this morning as I was playing on Pale rose. The boat gen was already done and he kept jumping in and out of a locker on the boat. I just took it as this guy isnt being productive, so lets hunt his teammates who ARE working on gens.
I DO wish something would be done about the explosion noises though, since those are deafening when your trying to hear more subtle things like grass moving or a survivor moaning.
@Peanits is there anything that can be done to mute the noise after the first 5 explosions or something?
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In very specific scenarios. Such as a friend about to die in a chase, I do it to disrupt their hearing. But I've only done it in very specific scenarios.
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And you are the one calling others toxic? People are having general discussion and you seem to be here shaming others. I am "high" ranks on pc and while I do get this it doesn't annoy me. Grow some thicker skin. Just like tbagging, there is nothing you can do to make it go away. I actually find it quite funny. Gives me a giggle :>
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i did this for a bit whenever i played against a spirit to see if that would help my teammates in chase but i couldn't really tell if it did anything
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Turn your volume down?
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I don't do it because I run Quick N Quiet but knowing that it annoys killers, I might take that perk off. If killers are going to lobby dodge, tunnel, slug, camp, target certain player because of skins or items they've earned, and pretty much get butthurt and act like they're the only ones that put money into the game, I'm gonna start being a bit of an a**hole myself. Why is this a forum post when nobody that replies can do anything about your volume settings other than yourself though?
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Very rarely, but 2 instances I have done it with.
- They will not get off a teammates booty, because if they want to tunnel someone to death in the first minute of the game, why would I play respectfully. (If it's after a few gens, then fair game, I get it, you need kills and they had a chance to get more than 1k bp).
- They have Iron maiden, I will spam tf out of lockers because the constant screams make me giggle. But usually it's running around spamming random lockers, not just the same one over and over.
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Very annoying to say the least. During the egc I had an injured survivor that I was tracking through the corn maze escape because of this. Couldn't hear anything because of the non-stop explosions.
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Turning my volume down doesnt help me hear the sounds I WANT to hear, such as grass moving or survivors I said.
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I can’t stand it. I’ve never done it as survivor but see it a ton as killer. I think it’s likely swf trying in the weirdest way to distract you. Notice they only do it when you’re in a chase with someone else.
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I just had a match on swamp. A player went afk with only two survivors alive. I couldn’t kill her or the other would get hatch, so I slugged her. The crows caused explosions for the next 10 minutes while I searched grass for a stupid blendette. Was driving me insane.
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I dunno then. You'd think they'd allow you to adjust it. Seems to be a lot of cause and effect between survivors being jerks and killers being jerks. Neither side wants to back down so unfortunately, those of us that just wanna have fun with a cool game are trapped in the middle and just have to deal with the fallout.
Hopefully you don't get too many matches like that in the future though.
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Couldve just hooked her near hatch so you could go ahead and close it easily...
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Sometimes I go and in the most part I kill then. But the reason that they do this is for let the other do gens in peace
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Hate when they do this to me, especially when I'm in the middle of a chase. I've had some tell me they wanted my attention because they were bored, others because they were in a SWF and just wanted to get under my skin.
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Eh, I usually come across this when a dedicated runner is trying to get my attention, clicking flashlight, continuously quick vaulting, locker jumping, etc. I just ignore and focus on those working on gens, eventually, they get ballsy enough to chase me while I'm chasing someone else USUALLY giving me a free hit. I don't fall for the dedicated runner, I can tell if they are trying to lead me away from their group or just trying to waste my time. At the end, they're usually the last survivor, but without help to unhook, I just have to hook'em once.
Soooo, although it may seem like tunneling because I won't chase the designated runner, it's just bring smart.
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If there is Iron Maiden I do cuz it cracks me up. I always say "sexy time" and then spam my Nea in and out cuz it's a good laugh.
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That was the issue. Neither of us could find the damn thing. It wasn’t in any usual spawn locations. Ended up being against wall in back of map. If I’d found it earlier I would have just hooked the afk one ASAP. Actually I don’t think I’ve ever had to look for a hatch that long as killer.
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The only reason I disagree with you is for the same reason I disagree with tunneling.
Even though it is a legitimate tactic to use, its annoying and makes the game unfun for the other side. You can play this game in a manner that is fun for both sides.
However I am never going to tell people to stop tunneling or jumping in and outta lockers, play how you wanna, just don't get mad when something unfun happens to you because your being unfun.
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Yes, to specifically annoy killers. Only in times during the endgame.
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Rushed vaults can be used as a distraction too not just to bother the killer. I almost never spam but I do it once to get them to come to me when I can get out for sure. I'll spam if the killer was like hardcore tunneling me or camping if I'm specifically annoyed with them tho lol
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The closest thing I've done is just make my survivor scream over and over against a hostage Doc who refused to actually chase or kill anybody out of boredom to try to get him to come chase (but hopefully not kill) me.
I'm not some ape that just will jump through a window for like 30 seconds to be annoying, but some people will spam a couple rushed vaults or something for similar reasons. Trying to get the killer to come chase.
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As a rank 11 survivor,no. I'm trying to keep being as immersed as possible