Prologue: Who's NMCKE?
I don't mind to give me actual name, I go by Nicholas or Nick for short.
Hello, if you do not know me, I been playing Dead by Daylight for two years and I enjoyed the game ever since I first played! 😁🤗
I like the basic concept of the game, and no other game had what Dead by Daylight has today. It's different, you feel like you're in a different universe with no escape, no way out from this endless cycle (this went kinda dark). 😕
Other information about me
Since I became a fan of Dead by Daylight, I ended up making a forum account as soon as they were available to the player base. I was a great addition to the forums, with a few bumps here and there, but now, as of today, I'm very happy to be apart of this community.
If you need to reach me, you have a few options:
I can give you more options to contact me once you chat with me for a while!
Discord: NMCKE
I don't feel comfortable giving more information to contact me on Discord yet, but this can change!
Leaving a message on my wall.
Please remember that our conversation is public, so don't spill the beans if something is personal or important.
My future goals
I want to become a game programmer, and make games for everyone else! I been raised by video games ever since I was a little guy, so it makes sense that I wanna create the very thing that gave me joy in life.
"Don't let your past define the rest of your life"