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  • The passive recharge rate refers to how the Oni's Blood Fury gauge automatically fills up over time, albeit very slowly. This slightly increases the rate at which it goes up without absorbing blood, but it stops after a certaun thresold (98%), by which point you'll have to absorb at least one blood orb.
  • She's essentially the same as she was before, the changes aren't that substantial to be honest, all it really did was make the skill ceiling for the Nurse slightly higher, to give Survivors more wiggle room and occasions to punish her for making mistakes. If you play her well and optimally she's just as scary as she always…
  • Yeah I appreciate it! I'm new here so some of these things fly over my head.
  • Point taken. I'll avoid it in the future until the next patch fixes it, I was just curious.
  • What's the bug in question? I feel like I'm out of the loop on this one.
  • Ah, I tried that already, went to the US page for Auric Cells on Browser but as soon as I logged on my account, I was barred off from it and was redirected to the EU Store, VPNs can't help with that since it's based on your account's region and not your IP.
  • Unfortunately I've already looked into that and it doesn't seem possible, maybe someone smarter could find a way to cimrcumvent it, but from what I've researched, using a VPN for your console is already pretty complicated, but it also only really allows you to bypass region locks for apps like Netflix and such, not the…
  • Hopefully yeah, I'll see how it develops once I submit my ticket, but it's more the fault of the PSN's structure than the devs really, so I can't fault them for that. If it were just possible to buy cells from the US store instead of having it blocked off, this wouldn't have been a problem.
  • Welp, I ended up buying a 5€ Auric Cell pack from the EU store, and as expected, I didn't get the Auric Cells once I booted up the game, no message acknowledging there was an error either, so I guess it just didn't get recognized at all. This means there's no way for me, or anyone in my situation, to be able to buy Auric…
  • Ah, no worries about that, I'm already really appreciative you took some time out of your day to read all this and help, thanks a bunch! But yeah, I guess I'll just wait for a reply from a dev before the end of the sales, otherwise I'll play it safe and taste it out with a small sum. If it comes to that I'll send the…
  • It kinda depends on what you're going for, but since his major strengths play around injuring survivors, perks that make healing slower, discourage it, or let's you take advantage of it are probably the best ones for him. Sloppy Butcher is probably the ideal pick, Thanatophobia is kinda weak and his TR is too big to really…
  • There isn't one, the tab is empty and gives me this message (it's always been the case since I've started playing): Which is why I can only buy Auric Cells from the EU PS Store, but I'm dubious on doing it because of the aforementionned worries. There's no immediate hurry, but I figured I could buy Nancy, Steve and Demo…
  • I've bought every non-licensed characters with Iridescent Shards, as well as some cosmetics, but otherwise nothing, since I can't get Auric Cells nor buy them from the in-game store (It says there's no content here when I go to the tab for it), they're only available in the PS Store, mine being EU. My guess is that the…
  • I'm mostly wondering since I know for a fact that buying DLCs from a different region than the game doesn't make them available. Auric Cells could work differently for all I know, but I couldn't find anything covering that specific issue, so I wanted to be cautious and see if anyone ever had that problem before, didn't…