Problem fixed, my game was just glitchin, sorry ya;ll.
I'm not too hot on the notion of crossplay, but I can work with it. My bigger question is there any news on cross save/progression? I've always meant to transition to PC.
Oh shoot!
The irony is hair looks fine now. It's just ALL the detail seems swamped out by light.
Just got to aim for one rank a day, should be manageable
I'll confess I've been a bit dumb, we're still getting xp nd thus fragments WHILST doing the challenges.
That seems like a bug.
What system are you on?
Either way, everyone go forth! Complain to the devs, but civil-like please. This isn't quite the end of the world.
I dunno, Sea World makes a lot of money at far less effort.
Definitely not double paying, it seems a little daft, though maybe i'm also being a little unreasonable. it's another 65 days, soooo...…..12 matches a day?
I mean, perhaps I'm being a little unfair. We have 65 days left so ten or so matches a day may work but still.
Yeah, doing some math, it's 800 xp to a shard, and you earn roughly 500 xp a game. so 1.6 matches per shard, times ten per tier to make it 16 games a tier, 35 remaining levels, so it's actually worse, you need another 560 matches. Devs, #########?
Well feggles. And it's 800 xp for a single shard.....remind me again how this is 'balanced'? Because unless my math is wonky that's about 350 matches to get those 35 levels.
As above, last years even likewise ended on November 2nd.
Well, last year it DID end on November 2nd.
Well at least it's not a no. And they do sort of help, prior to this when you reached rank fifty on killer it was another 187 webs to collect all the perks. Now it's something along the lines of seventy or so.
To be fair, we HAVEN'T seen his moving outside of a chase yet, so you never know.
Well, we know for a fact that the Mind Flayer is petty. And the devs confirmed in the stream that the exit gate for Hawkins Lab is the Upside Down, so I wouldn't put it past the notion that the Flayer allowed the Entity to come in willingly. It's a win win when you think about it, the Mind Flayer gets rid of two of its big…
Yeah, I was wondering about 'the man with the metal jaws' too.
I don't know, some of that feels very BB language, not to mention the lore stamps state that he is looking for Vigo. Still, I would like to see him making a comeback for Stranger Things, to react to a genuine monster.
Luckily the Devs have already said that he is in fact bugged in the ptb, so he's not intentionally that buggered.
I like this, what's wrong with this? I look at everything but the mask and think the devs were thinking 'not sure we're going to give you Pinhead yet, so we'll make his robe look cenobit-ish'
PS4, frames are sexy as all hell!
So lets do something good shall we? Everyone who reads this, go support the man!
Sorry devs, but gotta agree. Some of the alterations I can agree with to a degree some of the alterations, but a missed attack draining the entire power gauge is note a good thing. Surprisingly hitting people can be quite hard as they dart back and forth.
The Entity's promise to Rin is rather irrelevant if one considers the fact that she's an onryo, a spirit renowned for taking its rage out on ANYONE, not just the object of its revenge. Fury clouds the mind as they say.
Town of weeks? Don't recall that.
During the Hallowed Blight event, the final log from BB was that 'the entity has found me'. Presumably we can assume that after so long the Entity claimed him from Vigo's lab and that he's now no longer among the survivors.
I know that, but a patch was rushed to fix ps4 pro's graphics, but not for the standard version.
I only burned half of it down.
Please Grandad! Tell us the story of the four ASBO's of the apocalypse.
This made me think 'Shrek is love, Shrek is life'
I would argue with you....but I fricken adore smores!
One of the others explained, all good! TO THE FOG MY BROTHERS! FOR THE WRAITH BRO'S!
Oh no need to apologise! In fact, it's rather a goof thing that you felt the need to defend a fellow forum member!
Oh, I got a warning for insulting you...
Hey, I just wanted to explain for earlier. I phrased myself poorly, I was trying to imply that 'this idiot' was me, and that I was stupid for not understanding. I apologise if I offended you.
Mixed replies but I shall try my luck!
Yeah, it's time for Peppa to rise!
Wait, what? What did I miss?
Two of each spawn by default, read without offerings
For the past year I've actually been very lucky with the playerbase, lots of GG's.