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  • @apropos Looping is when you go to a tileset (preferably with a pallet) and walk in circles until the killer gets too near to you. Then you drop the pallet in his face (be careful of being too greedy) and walk to the next tileset with a pallet. It's kind of necessary against good killers. Most high rank players have map…
  • The fact that she probably looks normal and could be your neighbor makes it much more scary, in my opinion. I've always been a fan of Killers that live normal lives otherwise. You could say that Anna the Huntress 'just wants a quiet life.'
  • Did they try to get Pennywise? It's probably really hard and expensive to get licenses for these really popular movies.
  • Blue hooks are so satisfying! I hope special hooks come back into the game, I'd even be fine with permanent special kinds of hooks as long as it's just for points etc :chuffed:
  • If a survivor annoys me too much I'll go after him, because I want to get rid of him. If a survivor taunts me all day I'm going to ignore him until he walks to me or I catch him off-guard... If I get tunneled and a killer only focuses on me for a big amount of time, and we win, I'll be happy about it. Even if I die. I know…
    in Tunneling Comment by Albireo August 2018
  • I'd rather take the risk/reward. I want my perks to be stronger but "counterable". It's not that perks like DS are too strong, in my opinion they just have to be able to be countered. Gimme' a QTE and if I get the super duper great success he can't escape my grasp. (Btw why is counterable not a real word yet?) this year…
  • All I want is Ringu DLC one day in the distant future
  • What if different maps had altered objectives, made so that the harder the map is for the killer, the harder the objective? If any map is too easy or too hard they could adjust the objective.
  • I used to have such a converting device in PS3 era, it has probably improved a lot by now. I don't think it will be the same as on PC because it just converts your input into stick movement, I can't imagine how it will feel perfectly smooth, for some reason I'd just always think that it's inconsistent - even if it's just…
  • Yeah, I've watched some videos about him as I was searching for interesting content creators. I edited my comment a bit too slowly it seems, but I didn't want to get into the sexual predator things because nothing is confirmed yet. There are a lot of people speaking out about it though and it sure as hell seems like he was…
  • @PinkEricka But are people actually upset about him or are they upset about his fans? He himself is just one person, what are the odds that you're going to play against him? It's just one toxic player. Report him if he misbehaves! If you're talking about him as an influencer: yes it is annoying, I agree with you, like you…
  • Only camp hooked people if others are rushing for rescues. If you down someone near a hooked Survivor let him lay on the ground if no hook is near and keep an eye on him. You should keep an eye out for perks in the store, here are some ratings on perks for The Shape I can't give…
  • Have you ever played against him? You only see his fans, there's no way to tell if they are his fans, but I'm gonna assume some of these t-baggers are. I don't think a witch hunt is going to help, even if he stops creating content there could be someone new replacing him. If he abuses bugs, report him! Then he should be…