It is just sad that you are so adamant in saying that i am a lier like that without not even knowing anything about me at all... But well, internet privileges i guess... You can simply wave your finger at my face calling me whatever you want, but it is all good, i wont do the same to you, not here to judge. All i can do is…
Also, John Carpenters Vampires is a great ######### movie.
To be fair, i did not respond you because i believed you were a troll all along (so i guess i was right). At least i made your day slitghly better giving you some laughs i guess... But being completely honest, is that so hard to believe that i just want a game to goof off and not be bursting my heart in high pressure; the…
Not really, do not twist my words. My point is that i rather "lose" having fun, than "win" stressing out.
As a last response i will give you before ignoring you: Yes, "murder" is a strong word, but i stand by it. Only thing that can kill Dbd, is Dbd itself. The amount of " :) " you use in a sarcastical manner just shows me how much of a condescending prick you are. I really dont believe we are even on the same conversation,…
Also, i see you got a lot of posts... This doesn't make any of your stances more entitled to righteousness than mine.
You can belive whatever you want... I dont need to explain nor prove anything to you. And responses like this were always what kept me from posting on forums, so yeah... Take what you want from this.
Addendum: I faced the same insanely strong 4 person swf 3 times almost straightly. The local really "sweaty" Nurse Main 3 times in a spam of 1hr. The reason above is the sole reason why I dont play MOBAs like Smite anymore (Facing the same people non-stop, ik it will make me sound like a "snowflake" but it triggers my…