sidenote… another person with an overall positive opinion on angel of darkness? 🎉🎉🎉🎉
have you never touched the hand of midas? that was terrifying. also the sudden t-rex and shark encounters… I used to be legit afraid of playing this stage because of this shark. also… this guy was pure horror!!! Look at him!!! always following. damn terminator.
but you see… the issue is Increasing her movement speed would not only make this more effective on larger loops, but also make it much easier to correct course if the Survivor did correctly call her bluff and get the hit anyway, as her increased speed would allow her to cover much more ground much quicker. this is not an…
as long as the perks are still unlocked, I'll live
idk that's all the proof I need that people are not being forthcoming about their intentions here. it seems like it bothers you… enough to judge everyone saying it.
I see what you meant now. my bad.
dbd isn't real people. you heard it here first. it's all made up and doesn't exist therefore you can be a baby and cry when someone offers a handshake
and while I'm not sure why, I thought I'd address it seems kinda hard to address it when you don't know why, don't you think?
no it didn't. it was always short for good game. what are you even on? try not seeing it as anything beyond someone saying good game. it's the same as offering a hand shake after a game. just good sportmanship. do YOU say it? ever? maybe you only pay attention when it bothers you… exactly. self fulfilling prophecies and…
well damn…
you don't. but if you want to, go for it. never really liked it, don't think it's really worth the slot currently.
she is not boring to verse.
idk… enough to be a bother and not a surprise.
"If you can run a leaner operation then why wouldn't you?" because the people at the top want more money. so the cuts happen bottom up. this IS the real world. companies usually suck, even if the people immediatly around you in it do not. just because you think you have the perfect utopic company that would never do such a…
it already is. limited to 4.
because that is a thing that happens in basically every game with a rank based matchmaking. people smurf and people de-rank. not necessarily maliciously, but those happen aswell. statisticaly speaking there is probably a streamer or more that do it so they get easier matches and can post some easy content… but you are…
so you had people on payroll with 100k salaries? yea. this confirms there were options. probably some better than what I'm thinking right now. but firing a bunch of people sure cuts the spending fast huh?
because maps
are small and large the only sizes avaiable? not pretending layoffs don't happen. but you won't catch me going " I don't think this was corporate greed" until I know EVERYTHING about it. I would be very willing to bet there were alternatives. this is just the decision they took. for reasons yet unknown to me. and the way…
"compared to a helicarrier, a bus is a small vehicle"… would you look at a bus on the street and call it small now? c'mon. because companies as a group proved time and time again to not care for any individual or even people. it's all about profit and cutting costs. and your example didn't really help. because you are…
small? we still pretending that? also, I will never, ever, take the company side on big layoffs. neither should anyone else. won´t take a neutral stance either. if the company wants any sympathy, they must come clean on their reasons.
kinda wish you just kept zooming in…
aahn… mmm… nah… ye? nooooo… this one! like that ☝️
innertia. people decided to hate her. they never decided to change that
sadly… I doubt my boy trapper will be getting it. if anyone keeps the default, it's him
dredge is cool
you know that besides the first thing you just listed a bunch of things that already are bannable right?
nah. does not do anything good really. it basically only matters when survivors create a deadzone and now they bleed out on the ground. fun for everyone right? remove that, buff jeff's perk
that is easy to answer… someone on some social media who they see being the type of person they would like to invite to this. so they do. but without knowing who is in, we can't know. and they won't give out that information, so no real point in asking. for all we know it could be "nepotism city", but it can also be…
so this tells me that after years of having someone who is hard of hearing as a consultant, who admits to advocate a lot for accessibility, all that happened is the visual terror radious and absolutely nothing else. no visual cues for footsteps, generator sounds or any of the sort ever implemented or mentioned to be in the…
I want the points. Give up on the menu as you should or play the game. idc which.
I think the default characters will be from the show since they have more to work with lore wise. oh no no no… they do not.
ngl… that would be nice. but I still want
which is a different thing. I'm questioning the logic of "it's in the game a long time, therefore it's intended" not the fact of it being intended. somethings just take way too long to fix.
just because it's in the game for a long time, doesn't mean it's intended
Franklins was an ass anyway… let his perk die
skill issue
for future reference… try having a screenshot of the specific challenge you are talking about.
I know. but 30% of the time, it works everytime nothing really… mostly a joke
counter point… I had third seal up as trapper the entire game and it was great. blindness is so underrated
WOOO \o/ best mode
just the general population. and I am this convinced mostly because of the netflix series. that spread far and wide. if it was just the games it would be more even. I love castlevania since I played dracula X on the snes, but I know it wasn't that well known beyond maybe a "that one with the whip guy?" jojo is mostly…
castlevania Dracula is more common knowledge than Dio or Alucard. there was never a chance it was anything but him or an original interpretation of Dracula. even the Béla Lugosi version would be more for the look than the actual character. but Dio or Alucard would have been awesome additions. Dio has ice powers, laser eyes…
"still used religions' is such a funny sentence… XD pretty sure that eliminates all of them… people still worship zeus and bastet and probably any other god you might think it's no longer worshipped. personally don't think it's a good enough reason to not use them. as long as you are respectful and aren't putting giratina…
they are not. pretty sure the option exists so they know which reports to filter out
eu gosto deles mas ainda vou jogar mais com a kate… still annoyed at the soccer cosmetics being in english
you think it's necessary and… what even is the reverse of gimmicky? regular? guess we agree to disagree. I don't think you got me. a rin skin isn't going to yui or feng or meg. it goes to spirit. as in, the character themselves get their alternate universe selves as a skin. in the case of spirit the rin skin would need to…
yeah but why? I am perfectly fine with a cosmetic and some lore in a tome… but feels unnecessary and gimmicky to do these as full characters.
I rather have new characters.
been a while since i've been there… you are just lucky