Hello Rank 2 Demogorgon main here Favorite build Perks 1: Save the best for last - For me STBFL is a must for demo the reduced cooldown is amazing for chases but the best part is with the demo you can use your shred attack on your obsession so you dont lose stacks of STBFL it is so easy usually i wouldn't reccomend this…
I main Trapper and Michael i used to play pc but switched to console do to reasons but i do just as well its just why do i have to run franklins to just get by? I should be able to run whatever perks i want without fear of the game ending in 5 mins you feel me?
Ah yes because its definitely not the 4 man toolboxes and gen rushing swf's Its me the currently rank 2 legacy 1 trapper with more then 3000 hours that has to run Ruin and Corrupt Intervention to keep from getting gen rushed
Thank you for clarifying for him i wasn't sure on the exact numbers
Thats a pretty cool idea i guess for me something like when third seal gets broken all effected survivors stay blind for the next 60 seconds or maybe for devour hope you gain s different effect depending on how many tokens you have im actually getting really into this idea!
Ya are you counting toolboxes, perks, how many people on gens, swf yes or no the list goes on
Everything you say is true let me clarify i am a console player used to be pc but i feel i shouldn't need to dodge swf's and 4 man toolboxes its in the game right i just wish the devs would take a community suggestion or find a way them self to nerf gen progress somehow