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  • Wdym the next survivor mid chapter is Springtrap
    in June 13th, 2025 Comment by ArkInk 9:21PM
  • Wraith with the right add-ons can actually be pretty nutty, but right now I'd give it to Chucky regardless of whether we talk about the live version that can scamper or the PTB that gets Slice and Dice every 12 seconds.
  • It had an open beta that got decent coverage before petering off, I believe this the proper launch.
  • I bet he'll be the anniversary release for Year 9. Imagine a Camp Crystal Lake mapppppppp I need this collab. Jason also has a fair amount of potential for a power, and Tommy Jarvis would a great surv. We'd have almost almost the full pantheon of big horror icons aside from a few names. Jason is arguably the biggest name…
  • Very true, I won't deny that FNAF still has a lot of child players and fans, but after DnD, which tends to target much the same audience, I honestly don't think it'd be an issue if the devs aimed this specific collab at the more mature audience of fans.
  • True, it's been an issue in the past, but I think nowadays I see less and less pushback, moreso just jokes about the sometimes frankly silly fan theories people make for Springtrap. FNAF was banned on the reddit awhile back, but wasn't that explicitly not signed off on by anyone actually employed by BHVR and then rolled…
  • I think a Creepypasta would be fine now that Unknown is based primarily off them. Especially since stuff like Wesker and Lich already challenge what exactly makes a DBD killer a DBD killer. Slender or Marble Hornets would make for a fantastic inclusion imo. Respectfully disagree about Five Nights. I don't think most people…
  • Right, because it'd presumably be harder for a killer to get it from a survivor than the other way around. Clearly this hypothetical concept with no real structure or elaboration should be dismissed entirely because you pointed out that this is an asyemetrical game. Thanks for the input.
  • What do you think of BHVR's current focus on licences that aren't entirely horror? I'd personally prefer we get some more core properties before expanding into the weirder stuff, although I do appreciate the current collaborations. I think that Video Game horror especially could use some more reps, which is another reason…
  • I'm definitely agreeing with the secondary objective, maybe an item of sorts that buffs whatever team holds it and there's something each side can do to steal it back. That would maybe slow matches a bit and give players more chances to interact before the trial is decided.
  • They oughta reshrink his TR and maybe increase his shot hitbox a little. It'd be nice if maps were maybe altered slightly when he's the killer to make little gaps in the environment for cool shot moments, but honestly he doesn't need anything too big after the buffs. I just want his old TR back and I'd be satisfied.
  • They'll probably give a form of it Basekit then nerf the Addon, as they've done with other killers. Hopefully he gets a full Addon Pass before the 10 year anniversary.
    in A fun fact Comment by ArkInk May 19
  • It just feels overtuned tbh, and currently not nearly enough of a risk or commitment for the potential reward it provides of halting the killer from progressing their objective. We can argue over whether or not this is bias, but you should expect to hear opinions you don't agree with.
  • There's also a 'team power' of sorts for killer, so we'll see where that goes. Hopefully they add more and more killers quickly, it can't be that hard.
  • Slice & Dice is much better as a map traversal tool, and his stealth feels great now that you get it back so much faster, but I'll miss Scamper for convenience on things like the Game. Is it a nerf? Yeah. Is he still A tier? Yeah. Is he healthier for the game? Definitely. This is a W in my book.
  • Honestly, yeah. If a killer could technically 'win' the trial without killing a player, there might be less incentive to be toxic in the match. 12 hooks are extremely satisfying, and it might be better health wise to incentivise an 8 hook over a 3k.
  • If the devs asked for more Nemesis cosmetics, as they were presumably the ones who pitched doing Blighted Designs, there's nothing to suggest they wouldn't get Nem's old design, so I wonder why we haven't gotten it. Capcom was fine giving other characters classic skins too, what stopped Nemesis from getting that same…
  • He needs a Licker, a Rocket Launcher, and a Flamethrower. There is a DnD Lich on the roster, they aren't out place. I hope he gets a classic skin and maybe even a bag head too, cause seriously, why does he only have two cosmetics?
  • Right, because I care how a multibillion dollar corporation like Microsoft or multimillion dollar corporation like BHVR defines cheating. Going further, do I care how my countries congress defines cheating? Definitely not. I won't bother getting political, but don't tell me to let someone else define the subjective in my…
  • Do illusions show up on Aura reading? If not, think abouuuuuuut it.
  • Poor people.This game costs fifteen dollars and is on sale often, I've been getting by mostly on Iri shards since they were introduced and before that I just didn't have the fun stuff. Your headset is allowed to be as good as you want, so long as it doesn't have a built in secondary mode specifically designed to give you a…
  • It isn't cheating by BHVR'S rules because there's no way they'd be able to enforce it, but let's be real, this is an unfair advantage unlocked by paying for an outside piece of tech. Software or Hardware, it's cheating. You could do it if you want ig, but please don't.
  • I honestly find the pushback on this idea strange. In a SWF, this Plot Twist issue never happens, and making a minor UI change for the sake of clarity just makes survivor knowledge more consistent, and thus easier to balance the game around. Plot Twist is one of hundreds of survivor perks, so it's unlikely a new player…
  • I think Trapper is at least a tier worse than the rest of the cast. At least Michael has good addons and Basekit instadown plus half TR, and Freddy gets a TP, minor anti loop, and minor Basekit slowdown. Trappers traps, though better, simply require too much setup and can be saboed too easily to be worth it a lot of the…
  • Tbh I've seen a lot of hype outside the forums for this chapter, and I'm actually pretty excited myself. The killer power is cool, I like the map, the chapter is a new direction for DBD, the bard perk is funny, you can now play as a nonhuman survivor, Matt motherf*in Mercer is voicing Vecna! Maybe I'm crazy, but aside from…
  • It's also worth noting that the solo killer in March is also licensed, though that's a ways off. I'm glad we'll be getting Castlevania, great games and an amazing show. The Solo survivor will probably be somebody big with the way the devs were talking. A few possibilities off the top of my head for the solo killer are…
  • The devs stated around the end of the Livestream that you will be able to que up with a friend as killers.
  • I don't tend to slug for the 4k unless I'm making the biggest comeback of all time (although tbh I'd still probably give hatch), or just got finished crushing a team acting toxic. I did funnily enough have a match recently where I slugged a Mikhaela to find a Leon that had sent me three annoying messages over Xbox, and she…
  • I don't think buffing it's numbers would be busted, as Xeno, Myer, Singularity, can already clear Vaults crazy fast with add-ons and perks. Even though it does stack with them, having around at least three perks dedicated to vaulting is more memey than busted, isn't it? This would actually be big if true. Dark Arrogance…
  • He's a pretty good Jack of all Trades killer imo, since he has a lot of abilities that aren't great individually, but can overwhelm one or a few survivors quickly. Pallet pick up, Skele rush, and Flight are all pretty okay in chase under the right circumstances so having access to all three of them is great. He's got some…
  • A very informative summary, thanks for taking the time!
  • Very true. It's probably going to bug me for a while now that it's been pointed out. Castlevania has a ton of little creeps and locations for a good map in the castle, especially since it'd presumably be one of the few indoor maps with a somewhat open interior. I'll take it though tbh, the new map looks banging anyways.
  • If I had to think of a licensed hero character not in DBD that's presumably more popular than the villains from their series, I'd say it's between Rick Grimes, Sidney Prescott, and Isaac Clarke. We'll see though, I am glad we ended up getting one reveal that slipped past leakers.
  • That actually really sucks now that I think of it, but tbf we did just get a medieval map with a magic Castle in it. I would've swapped the current and next chapter and put Castlevania as the anniversary chapter with a map, but ig BHVR had other plans. Regardless, Castlevania is hype as an inclusion, and Dracula and the…
  • Looks like they're really trying to push the envelope this year in terms of licenced content. This could be extremely good for the game, or year 2 is about to get an impromptu sequel. Also, CASTLEVANIA LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • The point is we can pretend states of the match are neutral when they aren't, but that's simply not true. A killer can win the match at any gen number, and without endgame perk gains no benefits from the triggering of Endgame, therefore there is no tangible benefit to the killer being in Endgame compared to earlier in the…
  • My mistake, I still think of Adept more of how it was viewed a few years ago when Adept Dredge took me hours in of itself. That said, I did make the brilliant decision to do all my survivor adepts through solo q, so the challenge may have been easier had I used different resources, but I still hold that anyone trying to do…
  • Wotc sucks, but Konami is already in the room so I guess I'm letting consumerism win this time. DnD has a lot of potential, and I'm mostly just excited for something new. Getting a dark fantasy chapter is welcome, and I hope the power, perks, and map deliver on the opportunities afforded to the devs. Regardless, we'll see…
  • This thread is maybe the closest I've ever felt to 2017 DBD since that time. It's like Freddy just came out all over again. I'm frightened, and yet, it feels good to be home.
  • Tbf Adept is a challenge for people who hate themselves so it might actually be better to leave it that way
  • Sabotage can already be pretty fast tbh, so I'm not entirely worried unless they give it a major major buff. We'll just have to wait and see.
  • I mean it's a hatch win, the game is already over. Sometimes it'll spawn in front of them, sometimes it'll spawn in front of you. This is nowhere near the worst case of randomness in DBD. Not everything has to be controlled.
  • How often do you trigger Endgame via gens with one survivor left? Two? Would you rather be at 4 gens left or is this somehow a better situation for you? Personally, I think survivors are weaker when they haven't done the one thing that lets them win, but sure, Endgame favors no one. In fact, I'll let you in on a secret…
  • The way the game works says it. Are you aware that survivors can leave during endgame? Is that a good thing for killer? The answer is no, ergo, Endgame is the worst part of the match a killer can be in.
  • There's a lot of playable DnD classes. Thief's, Mages, Rangers, Paladins, Elves, Dwarves, Druids, etc. One of the selling points of the game is that everyone makes a unique character with its own backstory, so we might see a BHVR original survivor that's merely set in the DnD world, or we might get an NPC character that's…
  • I'm gonna be so real I forgot what this was referring to and spat my drink halfway across the room in surprise before remembering this is a discussion about DBD tactics
  • I think it's worth noting that Japanese players have quite literally developed a different Meta with different strategies to counter different killers and a different way of playing the game that can genuinely affect the viability of killers in the region. Looking at the recent tournament between Western and Japanese…
  • Said who? The Entity. As a survivor, would you rather be at 4 gens left in a match, or in Endgame? What do you think a killer will say when you ask them that same question? Endgame is the thing a killer shouldn't let happen, and it isn't a part of the match that generally benefits them aside from the resources they've…
  • I'd be fine with a perk that does this, provided it has a work around to not be busted with Remember Me, but as a Basekit feature I'd really rather not. The Endgame is largely meant to be in Survivor's favor, let's keep it that way.