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  • Woah, a chapter featuring a killer with a mix of flesh and technology that uses fleshy camera-like pods was announced during DbD's 7th year anniversary! I didn't really expect this to become a reality all those years ago. Still, pretty cool!
  • I think they just want to draw attention from killers that need a little tuning so that they can release more DLC to nerf three days after release.
  • Cooldown on (most) killer perks are just dumb, like Trail of Torment and the mentioned Surge. Instead of being able to change up your playstyle with a perk build, they basically make it so your playstyle becomes a limited one time use cooldown. Trail of Torment has it especially rough with showing every survivor that you…
  • It's not toxic. Just don't complain when I bring NOED to punish survivors for not spending time cleansing every totem on the map.
    in Genrushing Comment by Axelocke July 2020
  • It's honestly big brain from the company. Pay the same amount, but for less value.
  • These animations could go a loooong way into being immersed in the game world. I for one love healing other survivors, and hope for some clean animations! Imagine actually having the medkit as a part of the medkit healing action, two separate animations for both healing others or healing yourself, possibly with a leftover…
  • Yes, please. If nothing else, please at least implement #2. I'm tired of Decisive Strike being used as an offensive baiting tool when it was clearly envisioned to be an anti tunneling perk.
  • That would work! Good idea, it could act similar to how random madness effects are chosen with the iridescent king for Doc! 😮
  • You're very kind! Thank you for the comment. 😊
  • And then announce a cosmetic for that killer that nobody will pay for.
  • Amen. They seem to prioritize hiding behind that tree over there instead of repairing a gens. "No heartbeat... guess I better hide!" 😲
  • The way I see it, the faster a survivor is dead means more time to earn those extra blood points. It's one less survivor rushing the gens, I guess. I personally try to hook everyone twice, and try to avoid killing them until late game.
  • Claudettes I can respect. A brown default reskin Claudette? They won't play fair, so why should I? If I see one of *those* in MY killer lobby I'll whip out Leatherface and claim I was camping for the face skin. Otherwise, Claudettes are fairly respectable.
  • Did you see the framerate in the DbD Switch trailer? I hope they straighten that out. Nobody deserves 15 frames.
  • This is shockingly brilliant and well thought. By the end of the post I could envision Springtrap in Dead by Daylight's lighting with it's eyes piercing through the night. Thanks for sharing this, it was a delight to read.
  • Trapper - Upon stepping into a bear trap, you are now susceptible to being hooked by a survivor. You can no longer pick up already placed traps. Survivors now have a 100% chance to ignore the traps. Clown - Bottles have been replaced with barrels of laughter that can be thrown 1/2/3 metres ahead of you, depending on the…
  • It definetly crushed my end game Pig build, for sure. My concern is that these changes are only going to remove some killer diversity. I expect to see more Hillbillies and Nurses if they continue to unnecessarily harm the middle tier killers.
  • As a player who ocassionally frequents the Pig, I am utterly devestated. However, I'm not about to give up playing my favorite liscenced killer!