I think tunneling and camping is the easiest skill to have and shows exactly how much the killer actually enjoys the game beyond "I'll stand here."
I've found in the Level 14-10 or so that Killers camp all day at hooks and Survivors DQ'ing tons too. I was as low as 6 recently and once you start playing with better players and killers the game isn't as frustrating. AT 13 I saw two survivors enter lockers when I was downed and stay there til' I died. I was yelling "at…
Guess what. That isn’t anything close to what I’m describing. If survivors can be seen and you go chase them - great. If survivors can be seen and you plant yourself in front of the hook to watch one die - THAT is entirely different? You see that right? You see the point of pretending that takes any skill is false. If I…
I feel the same way. There are scenarios where of COURSE you stay by the hooked player. At the end of the game it makes perfect sense to put let the players decide how they want to proceed. Escape easily or help out a teammate. What the majority of us are indicating is getting hooked in the first 3 minutes of a game and…
I've no idea how to make that happen - but I'm down.
Every scenario is different. Perhaps if i was playing with better survivor's my feelings would be different. At this point - i still play to do my best and hope my whole team doesn't die. I'm just that sort of team player. If players are being stupid then of course that's not what I'm talking about. Watching time go by 80%…
I have. And like any other 10 year old I could camp and get a kill. its SO cool to masturbate and wait and do NOTHING. Not just for the survivor on the hook but for the killer who thinks it takes "skills" to do so. I also only play solo. I don't play in teams where it will ALWAYS favor because they can communicate. In solo…
That is an entirely different scenario - in that case the PLAYERS are not utilizing THEIR skills or THEIR strategy. No one faults you for using the perks you have - to identify players who are surrounding the hooked survivor. All three did the same exact thing. THEIR gameplay was poor. IF THEY had played a better game I'm…
no one is mad YOUR ego is bruised because the "strategy" is one that someone who JUST got this game would rely on. No one is sounding entilted in the least. YOU feel that way because when the truth that its MOST basic way to get a kill goes against your belief that you are "winning" the game that way. SURE. HAVE the kill.…
I agree. I don't want the killer so close so that I watch the other players get duped and killed too. PO INTLESS. I'd rather jump off the hook til I'm dead and DQ that way. Or if I'm rescued and we both go down - I just duck out of the game. WHICH I BET is why a lot of people check out. I'm not talking about the players…
The strategy isn't good if a 10 year old can do it and get the same number of kills. Its merely behaving how every novice plays and hiding behind "but it works" and "I do it so its strategy."
Yes. That's EXACTLY it. said no one in this post at all. If a survivor is stupid and running up to unhook while you are still in the terror radious all bets are off. If you purposely lie there waiting to catch and kill... go put a worm on another hook I could care less how you feel about your strategy, FAR and clear I…
And like EVERY game you play - If its pointless - like you know your only bait left to hang and die - you start a board game without less money - - you start to play pool but they start with only three balls on the table - you play cards but you will never be dealt any Jack Queens or Kings - Screw That. go jerk off to your…
My idea of camping is making it impossible once the person is hung to have any chance from doing their best escape and utilizing the skills they've learned to evade or with assistance from another survivor. No matter what it called - making the game pointless is bad gameplay. Also, PLENTY of killers don't camp and win…
I guess what I call camping is a different idea than what you are referencing here. You strategically TAKE a body to a space where there are multipole generators and options for players to take to try and rescue. At that point you may circle around a few times, expand your search a little and then who knows what may occur.…
Why does it have to be EITHER OR? Even going to the next Gen on either side is close enough to head back if they get released. But at least the game FEELS like you have a shot to try and escape without the killers hacking you down before your even move from the hook. i am not implying you must let players win by going all…
What is being altruistic? Staying on a hook. Watching players come closer to try and save and then they get killed and hooked too? What is altruistic staying on a hook so other players get to continue to make points while you sit there waiting to die? Let me put it this way - camping on hooks is the absolute easiest way to…
I don’t think a killer who stays within 95% striking distance has skills. That’s all. It’s a waste of everybody’s time. Why indulge a killer with me as bate when I can say f you drop out and find a new game. If they need the points they aren’t getting as many by playing that way and if it’s because their egos are so…
Here is what I’ve found all day. I’m level 14 but have been lower. The killers who camp are so annoying because it’s there only skill. I’ve played 6 games today and all 6 camped. Im sure I’m not alone when people get annoyed when players drop out. BUT - it I go to rescue 2 people and both times the killer is camping, I…
I can’t count the number of times in the first 2 minutes of the game someone DC’s with one hit. It’s not “rage” it’s “lazy” and childish like they need a trophy or they won’t play their video game. when I see it I yell “Why?” Because it makes no sense to me. Players DCing early should be a penalty. And IMO a point penalty…
Of course they can play that way. And every sitauation is different. But lack of skills are why players D/C and poor sportsmanship form the killer is why others D/C. It isn’t one or the other. They are all connected in their own way with the same consequences.
I laugh it off and I think they are terrible at the game. They don’t care. But everyone has consequences because of that “strategy”. It’s the most simplistic, small minded and lack of any real skills at game play strategy so PROUDLY defehd that play but the rest of us who’ve leveled up and play at their best think your…
Sorry. I mixed up my pronouns. I’m on the hook. The killer sits in front of me. The other player that would save me if the killer wasn’t camping sits and watches and then (I don’t blame them) give up and run to a generator because they also know it’s a waste of time and effort to play that way. It’s just POOR game play. On…
BobbyBWeHo is my name on DBD. Feel free to send a message and say “let’s play”!
If ya ever want to play with me and talk while we play I’m a great team player and will share any of the things I learned along the way.
i too ranked all my players high enough as early as I could to have all 4 perks. I get that. Get all the tools you can to survive as a new player. Killers want them too. But with the birthday cake they’ve perked themselves up so high and that’s the only way they know how to play. Perks and better weapons and offering and…
CONTROVERSIAL: Negative points for tunneling less than 10 meters for longer than 5 seconds. Encourage killers to get the skills they need to play with better sportsmanship. Encourage the players to go for the hook and get better skills at getting chased. I know that isn’t going to happen. And I know the killers will “hate…
I just don’t get the idea of needing points and using the birthday cake to rank up and then get to a point in your rank you shouldn’t be in. The “goal” shouldn’t be “how fast can I get the easiest amount of points to rank up and play more poorly.” i loves getting all the points too but where’s the fun if it’s just about…
It’s not that I don’t understand giving up sometimes. I “sacrifice” myself all the time to “help” my “team” so they don’t waste their time with me on the hook. I don’t DC. I could. But that’s not my gameplay. I like working in a team and want my team to do the best they can. I still think the birthday points ranked up too…
If you already ranked up that high in 4 weeks than two things are happening. Your skills at escaping the killer haven’t developed so you are an easy hook. And then if the killer lacks skills too you sit there frustrated they won’t go away. I’ve been playing a lot since Quarantine so I went I think from upper 20’s to 12…
Players get hit once and D/C. Or get put on the hook the first time and D/C. I’ve watched killers sit there camping and obviously the player on the hook can see how close I am... and see how the killer isn’t budging. I’m not toxic at all. I rarely comment or rate. I like to play fairly but these D/C are often players that…
I just tried to escape from a hook instead of DC and I actually instead got off the hook. The killer was tunneling so of course he let me lay there as bait. At that point I wanted to DC so the other players don’t take time to find out there is no way to heal me. So not only did I sacrifice myself but I couldn’t even get…
Those aren’t reasons those are causes of why players do it. And it’s on the sportsman like conduct to not do those things so EVERYONE experiences a game without feeling like it’s completely hopeless due to tunneling. If a KILLER can’t play without standing 2 feet away from their kill... THEY need to get better at the game.
Your right. But it doesn’t stop them from being called ass-hats, simple minded, selfish and lacks skill. But they can do it that’s for sure.
EXACTLY. If a killer can’t win without tunneling every kill it ruins EVERY game.
I’ve played all morning... every Killer has tunneled. I call it babysitting or setting up camp and it ruins the game. IF a killer can’t win without standing in front of their prey then THEY need to get better at the game. NOT the player. I’ve had a DC almost every game today and it’s ALWAYS because the killer is…