Good to know, I was actually worried! As for the tail, I agree that if you have the skill, you should use the mechanic to its fullest and pulling off trick shots demands it. But, while baiting, curving through a window, or even diagonally across a palette is one thing, going THROUGH the mesh of the map with it is another.…
Fair enuff, I'll see if I can clip it next time it happens.
It exists, I think there might be a few videos, and reddit and forum posts on it. I know for a fact you can curve it over the cars in Badham. Haven't done it too much elsewhere.
Yeah hopefully it does get tweaked. The hitbox is janky. There's hits I've gotten that should NOT have missed and other hits I've COMPLETELY abused the attack box for, curving around fences and cars inside of loops. I just made a post about this today.