Same they are my favorite for horror themed games, win or lose. I would love that to spice up the outdoor maps. Some maps could have thunderstorm and rains while a blizzard in the other. Night and day cycle also sounds good.
Michael Myers default skin Xenomorph default skin Ghostface with the classic skin Nemesis default skin still waiting for a classic or helmet skin.
I just want more fun and diverse add-ons for the Xenomorph. A Xenomorph version of Scratched Mirror would be my dream. Don't care if I don't win matches I just wanna have fun.
Some genetic experiment with a biological weapom gone wrong in a secret high tech lab. A mimicking creature from a artic outpost. Or a vampire the scary monster looking type in a mansion.
That would be cool too as far as outdoor map goes. A map with a mix of indoor houses and outdoor with a blizzard happening outside like Outpost 31 from the Thing would be cool. And a oil rig base or a ship out in the sea with a thunderstorm happening on the outdoor areas/surface. A mix of indoor spots and outdoor areas.
I'll definitely wanna try her once she gets fixed. Got over 40k shards saved and was thinking of getting her with her costumes but not at the moment cause she's hated.
I'll always prefer indoor maps but oh well at least the two recent outdoor ones were really cool Singularity and Nostromo so I don't mind. Hope the next outdoor maps will be as cool or better especially if Predator turns out to be true.
I'll always prefer indoor maps but oh well at least the two of the most recent outdoor maps were pretty cool looking so I don't mind. Hope tyeThe Singularity and Nostromo wreckage ones.
Love everything about the Xeno but wish he could more diverse add ons.
Amen Love the indoor maps for these kind of games win or lose. A spaceship one would be my dream map too. Even a high tech facility or some sort would be up there.
RPG is one of my favorite maps since I love Resident Evil and I love indoor maps so I definitely wouldn't mind. I love indoor maps in horror themed games although I do enjoy the Singurity and Nostromo outdoor maps because they look cool with the other worldy appearance.
Glad to see someone knows the Maniac Cop series with Matt Cordell and Phantasm for the Tall Man. The Leprechaun would be really cool too.
I want the spaceship portion of it to be bigger since I love indoor locations more.
Xenomorph is pretty sneaky but Myers could definitely tank a tail stab from a Xenomorph. So he might be able to stab the alien in the face even after getting tail stab
I think Michael could ambush Nemesis and stab him in the head
I guess any movie version could count. His strongest version is in Halloween 2, 3, or 4 I forgot where he survived getting shot at by a bunch of cops.
I'm aware of those, just want something more like the Xenomorph version of Scratched Mirror from Myers. But instead of seeing through walls, Xenomorph will have it's own uniqueness and drawbacks
I'm aware of those but want something similar to Michael Myers Scratched Mirror. Just instead of seeing through walls the Xenomorph will have it's own stuff.
How about this With the Perfect Organism add on (very rare) you are undetectable no TR and all but always in walk mode unless you hold the special ability button which gives you a faster crawl mode. +15% movement speed but you can't attack while holding down this button so no basic attack or tail attack. It's only meant to…
I guess but Myers could see through walls with his right click so I'm trying to figure out what would be the Xenomorph's special ability version. How about this instead. Pressing his special attack (right click) brings you to a stationary Crawler mode so you can't move. Pressing right click again uses your tail attack and…
This would possibly be my favorite killer if they do.
Same would really like to see some high tech indoor maps.
I want his classic skin or even a skin with his helmet.
I would also like something like this with a cool artic base. Being able to disguise yourself as a human and doing generators with them only to turn into a monster right next to them and cause mayhem. While there are certain things the survivors could do to find out who is the monster. It'll still be a very fun experience.