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  • yea man and one hand it's like, well I'll just practice and get better- stop whining, it's a competitive multiplayer game, but on the hand I'm sitting here like, but at what cost, games are supposed to be fun right?
  • Maybe ill check this out on steam, kind of hesitant though, considering just moving on from this game. Playing survivor doesn't seem that appealing to me and I shouldn't be in a position to feel like I need to play survivor to enjoy this game, but damn I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but playing killer on this game…
  • Thanks, that sucks though. It's rough to play against all red survivor teams. The skill gap is a huge jump, I do reasonable when faced against people my own rank, but a higher 8+ ranks sometimes is brutal. Maybe that's why no one wants to play killer.
  • It means if I'm getting instant Que's as a killer then there must be a shortage of killers,, no?
  • PS4. purple ranks kills, newbie survivor. I'm getting tired of getting stomped on by SWF seal team 6, so lately I've been trying survivor but Que is bad compared to other games.
  • I have never played a game in my life that I felt more cheated while playing than this one. That's my point. I'm not a psychologist, or a game developer so I can't explain why, but I know it to be true and based on the majority of these discussions, it looks like I'm not the only one.
  • Ok buddy. Great attitude. This will be a sure fire way to maintain the already depleted killer pool and undoubtedly encourage newer players to keep playing the game....not everyone is a try hard twitch streaming "gitgud" player...
  • How can i tell if they are SWF or not? I'm also on the verge of quitting this game, it's literally demoralizing.
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