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  • Exactly! The question should be: how can we fix this issue without ruining the game for the majority? There's two separate issues. High rank killers can't compete against high rank survivors. But in all other situations, another issue is that Freddy is OP 😂. Freddy being op affects the other half of the player base.…
  • Nope. You are completely wrong. Freddy destroys 99% of the playerbase. He destroys solo q, which is a high high percentage of the people playing. Once again, like Scott said, the devs already know that Freddy and all killers get destroyed at the highest 1% of the game. But they aren't going to cater to the game to the…
  • This. And the fact that it was far more than twice, is ridiculous. The fact that you DC twice in one week just proves that your willing to DC every other time in every other week that you get pissed. Meaning that each month you probably DC multiple times, screwing over your teammates month after month after month. Even if…
  • It can be a lesser version. But survivor with friends have built-in kindred, it's called voice chat. They talk to each other to see who's getting the save. With all of the other disadvantages that solo q has, giving an extra perk isn't bad. But even then, it could be a lesser version that gives less information. Maybe it…
  • When you dc even once you are completely screwing your teammates. Saying you haven't dc'd in 3 days, that's nothing to brag about, it's pathetic. Not only did you knowingly dc twice 3 days ago, but obviously (by the fact that you're justifying it) you dc'd multiple other times this month, and I'm sure even the month…
  • This happened to me on Series X..i was rank 4. Then went to rank 5. I pipped twice and showed rank 4 and 1 pip. Depipped twice and it's showing me with only 1 pip on rank 5. If you do the math. It's not adding up. And nearly every match the after match isn't matching what I see
  • Some of you don't understand. You've been red rank, and moved to purple after each reset and you go back to red. When you are at the bottom teammates leave you on hooks CONSTANTLY. You will die on 1st hook. You will be tunneled without any teammates running borrowed time. No teammates run kindred, so you have to use…
  • As Otz said on his stream countless times: the killer has been out for like a day. Be charitable. He's not broken. He's not super far off. A simple 5% speed burst and a couple of minor changes will make him a good killer. People are learning to play him for the first time... It's going to take time to learn.. Everyone is…
  • I just had to leave a late comment, simply to say that Otz himself gave the same exact speech I gave. Otz specifically says that 2k is balance. And that killers should stop feeling entitled and thinking they should get a 4k. That's ALL I WAS SAYING! He even explains that killers often want their cake and want to eat it…
  • You've got to be kidding me. We are comparing tunneling, a known toxic thing to do, with doing gens, a survivors main objective? Talk about a toxic killer community... Wow.. There are several counters to multiple gens popping at once, though it is rare to get 3 to pop before you hook someone. If that keeps happening just…
  • This situation rarely happens. With 4 survivors and very little gens left it would have been extremely easy to find survivors at this point. Again a GOOD MATCH with a killer should only get you 3 kills. A bad match 1 kill. An AVERAGE MATCH should be 2 kills. Again if 3 or 4 kills were the average, that would be extremely…
  • I agree with you!! That's my main point, let's be even on both sides. The survivors are op, let's nerf them to the ground, it's getting old, especially if we ignore the other killer stuff you mentioned
  • We are all human. There should be an even amount of talent between killer and survivor. So the outcomes should be fairly even if you look at stats
  • Thank you for a fair and reasonable post. I agree with you!
  • Everyone: I agree I need to get better. When I referred to low percentages I was referring to everyone surviving. I appreciate the feedback. Again if you read the other posts I've made, I've made it clear: I'm not saying killers are majorly op (though some are). And I'm not saying we need to nerf killers. My point is that…
  • That's my point. For the game to be truly balanced, since out of the playerbase we should have an equal amount of talent between killer and survivor, we should see roughly 2.5 or 2.6 would show a lean towards killer. If those are updated statistics, I think it just shows that we shouldn't nerf survivors more, to the point…
  • Maybe your experience is different then mine. But a good killer doesn't often get looped for 100 seconds, even against a good survivor.
  • I'm talking basic statistics. I understand personally as a killer, if you are better you should be rewarded. But you are ALSO facing higher ranked survivors. Who should also be better. If an average game ends in 3 to 4 deaths, or even 2 to 4 deaths, the game leans towards killer. Even green and purple ranks still tend to…
  • There's far more to beating a killer then looping. But I can say the same the other way around. Certain perks make killers near unstoppable. They win with little effort. I agree though, I'm sure it sucks as a killer when you destroy people and they still all get out
  • Games get ruined through a few people yelling and complaining on twitter, or forums. I just know that even in purple ranks, at rank 6, it's pretty certain as a survivor in solo that my team with 90% not make it. And even with teammates I know it's not too much higher. I'm glad to hear your perspective, most threads I see…
  • The point isn't that they are wanting to improve as killers, to get 4ks, they are wanting consistent nerfs of survivors. Killers have insane add-ons that combined with perks can make them absolutely unstoppable. BBQ, mixed with several gen regression perks on a freddy, and he teleports to every gen, he can see where…
  • Naa. I'm good with not nerfing killer. Of course I am one-sided. I do play PRIMARILY one side. My point is not about complaining as a survivor. Or to nerf killers. Just the opposite. My point is that killers come on these forums and online and complain constantly about survivors and their perks, And I simply think the main…
  • I know I need to get better, sure. My point isn't that we need to nerf all killers, I'm just saying that killer mains need to stop complaining on the forums begging for nerfs. It's ridiculous. The game leans towards killer period. And I think the biggest problem is expectations. Killers either complain because they suck,…
  • Also while we're at it, can we just take self-care out of the game? And urban evasion? They are okay perks for good survivors, but they destroy most solo q games. I normally play with friends, but it is disgusting how many people who refuse teammate heals to self-care Nothing better then watching your rando teammates…
  • This is one of the dumbest threads I've ever seen. So stupid. And it's another one of the "I got beat so now I'm going to complain" threads. Dead Hard isn't even the best exhaustion perk... Why would you want to nerf it? If you sprint burst away from a killer, they can't do anything, and it resets the chase. If you Lithe…
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