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  • I feel that this is what makes SWF so important to the game. To properly get into the game, having friends who already know how to play, can give advice and carry you when you're failing horribly is almost essential at the start.
  • That would be... disturbing πŸ˜‚
  • Yes, it is available in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and other countries in the area.
  • Massive PS4 con, you will need an active PS+ subscription to play the game.
  • If you don't have a very good PC, you are at least guaranteed more consistent framerate on PS4. If you do have good PC, then the PC version is pretty much superior.
  • I signed up for the testing program and had a swedish buddy sign into my email and send me a copy.
  • Just need to join the testing program first
  • Yes, in a few countries like Sweden and Denmark.
  • I was thinking of doing something that fits in with the whole "luck" theme behind Ace but with more useful abilities. Maybe a perk that gives the killer a chance to slip up and drop him? A perk that gives a chance for extra progression when doing gens or healing? Something along those lines. For sure up the ante needs to…
  • Yes I know but there's no point in working through Ace's bloodweb if his own perks suck. It would be a waste of time to get him up to level 40.
  • I meant as, but I don't mind either. Edit: Fixed the title πŸ‘
  • Somewhat unrelated, but doctor can do the opposite of this on treatment theater to the same effect. Through the use of specific perks and addons, he can make his terror radius so large that you'll always think that he's right next to you even if he's far away. Really unnerving.
  • I don't think my heart would be able to handle this perk lol. I almost have a heart attack when playing against pig and, sometimes, Myers. If it was on every killer (Billy and Nurse especially) I don't think I would survive.
  • Ah I see what you mean. I'm guessing people just decided to speedily power through the puke, leaving her with not a lot of ways to stop them. It's like a worse version of the pig's headset because that, at least, forces them to go and throw it off if they don't want to die.
  • Equip lithe along with dance with me, hop through a window, and RUN like wind!
  • Thank you to all the killers who commented on this thread. I feel like a better understand merits and and importance of hex ruin as well as how to properly counter it. I consider my complaint to have been addressed and disregard my initial statement.
  • Jeez man, the other killer players who commented on this thread gave constructive feedback, filled me in on their perspective, and gave me tips and advice. You, on the other hand, went out of your way to be a douche. Are you happy now? Did you get the external validation that you wanted?
  • Yes I can imagine that the games would probably end quickly without a way to stall the survivors working in max overdrive. I hadn't considered this before because I haven't played at a more advanced level. Thank you for posting your perspective as a killer player.
  • Thank you for your insights everyone, I appreciate it and look forward to trying out the strats that you have recommended soon πŸ‘
  • Dance with me and lithe are also a fantastic combo for when you're being chased.
  • A bit of an out of the box opinion, but I think that small game is currently game changing. Given the current killer meta, Hex ruin can completely destroy a game for survivors if they can't find it. Small game at least gives them a chance to find the correct totem.