Yeah by underleveled I mean I only play 1 killer and maybe 2 different survivors and they are level 20's. I havent gotten a single very rare perk yet and I guess some of the best ones are behind paywalls? Idk yet
I think my biggest problem was not understanding what her powers are/what they do so thank you.
Yeah I probably just don't know how to play against her honestly.
I am scared for my life rn what does this mean?
Every time I've played against her shes gotten a 4k with ease so idk, maybe they've just had crazy perks.
I feel like her being able to see where she is going to teleport shouldn't be a perk but rather a passive of hers. She's just so underpowered and easily looped.
She is OP as hell what do you mean????
Yeah I'm just so sick of loading up a match and everyone is a stupid high level and I can't really do much about it...especially with key.