Yep I like your ideas Please, tell me how many hours you need to get to 9000 sharps. Also I'm building some data for the money part, but this take time. If feels old yes, this is why we need some refresh. Thanks for you comments, To response to your problem 1 : Finding a way to punish or reward the killer not to camp is…
Thanks you for your comments @MysticalMagic92 Blocking the bar drain is a bad design because it's break the gameplay. This is why reducing (not stoping) could work. Thanks alot for this explanation.
Thanks you for your comments @Blueberry . Game balance and gameplay mechanics are two differents things, balance are really based on items / perk most of the time (for dbd). Gameplay mechanics can interfere on game balance but balance cannot interfere with gameplay mechanics. Balance is a to much complex topic for DBD and…
I agree, but we need gameplay mechanics to reduce those things, Looping is not that 'annoying' there is some little boost for the killer to help catching the looper, window are also block after a certains amont of time (which is great imo)
Thanks you for your comments. Let's protect him or her ! :3 Thanks you for your comments. Yeah we need to trust dev on this, the radius could be large and the ratio of the speed could varie depending on the radius. Like, more you are far away, the faster the health drain.
Hello @ShrekIsHot , This idear look like this one : What do you think ?
This post have been temporarily disabled for some reason but it's back ! :)
Thanks you for your comments. Camping is not a great gameplay right ?
Thanks you for your comments. Peasant also say that the survivors abused the mechanic of solution A, do you remember how pls ? We need to find the good settings of radius, exception and cooldown, imo.
Thanks for your comments. First of all this is not a complain, it's a suggestion to a change. Change some gameplay to refresh the game. Any abuse can be fixed. Please consider my suggestion and give me your point of view.
Thanks you for your comments. How the survivors abused this mechanic ? Well programed, I don't see how you can abuse it. Need to find the good radius, exception and cooldown