The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!



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  • The "reality" is a game where DC at the first chase is rampant, and despite that kill-rates are still under the desired 60%. A game where you are versing a totally new player and on your next match you can perfectly have two team Eternal members on the lobby. More than a "reality", that is an absolute "joke".
  • We are supposed to be talking about the best killers against the best survivors in an equal scenario and the result is that the killer is at a disadvantage. Those same killers also achieve endless winstreaks against pubs, but that would be like matching Messi against a team formed by preschool kids.
  • That's why all the perks from this DLC were buffed, or you though it's a coincidence?
  • It was to be expected, most of time you ended in bot matches with multiple disconnections. It's easier to force pleople stop using a killer than to make her fun for everyone, they already failed with the first rework. The problem has always been the area denial concept, even if the drones are incredibly weak the killer…
  • I don't like the change to Zanshin Tactics, even if its effect wasn't the best it was something unique. I don't think the changes to Skull Merchant will change anything, the killer was never particularly strong, players just hate her area denial concept. She will remain the most detested killer. Crowd Control seems really…
  • It's quite simple, you always have to keep your escape route in mind. When you repair a gen you must know where the nearest window or pallet is. And when you hide, instead of doing it in a corner exposing yourself for a free free-hit, at least hide better positioned. You don't know what perks or addons killer may use,…
  • Aura perks are fun, a reliable bad player detector. You kick a gen, see a survivor hiding behind a rock in a corner with absolutely no structure nearby for protection... and you can already tell who is the weak link in the match.
  • The bat will remain as the worst form. It doesn't matter how much faster it is, that thing gets fat-shamed while colliding with every door and corner making any use beyond teleportation unfeasible. You can even be stunned with a pallet while in bat form.
  • They stop working on gens because they are fighting for the hatch, not because it is impossible. The situation would not change even with a comeback system where the gens are repaired faster. The killer will find someone on a gen during his patrol and eventually he will be knocked down. For that reason, everyone will…
  • But in a way it's already there, the lobby closes automatically if the game is extended for an hour. It should simply be adjusted to a more reasonable time, since no real match last that long, and give it a more visual ending for everyone. If there was such a supposed problem with Legion or any other killer it should be a…
  • The matches should have a time limit and if not completed in time all survivors should be killed by the Entity automatically. Problem solved, exactly the same decision that was made when Endgame Collapse was introduced to stop them from taking hostage the match.
  • Vecna is so close to becoming an ultra-rare killer that achievements related to escape with his hand and eye will have to be done in pre-agreed games from now on.
  • Once you get to the point where you consider that the only way to win is to play this way, nothing will make you go back. Stages where the gen regression is weak (like the current one) create new tunnelers, but stages where it's strong (like the kick meta) don't change anything, because everyone is aware that it will not…
  • The vast majority of tunnelers radically change their way of playing as soon as they believe that the match is already lost for them. They will switch to the “At least I'll take this one” mentality. Obviously, the fact that two or three gens can be finished in the first chase does not help. It doesn't matter if the game…
  • Because it is. Just watch any 1v1 tournament and see how they can hold the killer in chase for a minute and a half on average. And no, it's not because they predrop every pallet on the map, you'll be surprised by how long they can loop combining a few structures.
  • Base kit borrow time, no more hook grabs, the anti-facecamp and 70 seconds hook states... When none of this existed, there were less problems to achieve successful unhook. All these changes have only created selfish players, and consequently worse players.
  • I'd like to use it more, but that thing wobbles more than carrying a survivor equiped with Boil Over. You waste an immense amount of time trying to get through a simple door. In its current state it's nothing more than a teleportation tool, which is dependent on an addon to have a decent range.
  • There are very simple changes that could put an end to this problem once and for all: Make the crows and noise notifications appear due to lack of objective progression and not only lack of movement. When a killer/survivor stands still for a reasonable amount of time, make them intangible so you can go through them.…
  • Once you figure out how the system works, it is easy to traverse the map as Wraith just in time for the rescue. It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the 2-3 survivors who came to heal you and now they bodyblock your escape or stay camping the pallets as you try to defend yourself.
  • The only reason why the survivor role was more popular was because you could play it with your friends. Now that you can play as a killer with a friend you will obviously choose the most fun role, which always was and always will be the killer role. Even with the game for free on different platforms and breaking the total…
  • It's basically the same as last year, and for me that was already the best event, but with the addition of the Bag of Tryks. I don't understand how it's not popular. I got many matches with more than 100k bloodpoints thanks to the party totems… and it's not like I'm going to get mad because the game decides to expose me in…
  • I like the changes but I will need to test this first, because I really liked to use the Carnifex to fast break pallets and it is not clear to me if I will be able to do this at close range.
  • Personally I don't think the perk needs any change, but it is undeniably selfish. This is ultimately a team game, hiding your location is still a way to shift the killer's attention to someone else. Part of the reason why SoloQ is a disaster is the lack of team play and camaraderie, not understanding what is best for the…
  • I find it extremely funny that even though there was video evidence that the ability to lift a pallet was completely useless as it could be immediately dropped again, they went ahead with an unjustified nerf. Obviously, they had to do the same with FotD, someone complains with some random stuff about FotD hitting at…
  • Nerf requests are becoming ridiculous. Recently we had the complaints about Mage Hand, when all you had to do was enter in a private game with a friend to see for yourself that you can throw again the pallet immediately after after the Mage Hand lifted it. How is that broken? Load the game, drop your item and an icon will…
  • This combo makes no sense on Huntress, you shouldn't be throwing M1 with her. Much less when there are better aura reading options for a killer that needs to open lockers to reload.
  • Nerf requests are becoming more and more ridiculous. Yeah, you can get value from it, that's the point of having perks in the first place. With the exception of small maps such as Midwich, I don't see the problem. Although we could say the same about placing a boom totem in such a way that leaves a quarter of the map…
  • A foreseeable consequence of nerfing perks for the simple fact of being used. And the funniest thing is that they will receive furter nerfs again for sure, since there is no reason to use anything else. It's not like anyone is going to use thanatophobia or any other alternatives that were nerfed to a worse state from when…
  • Haste effects are stronger on survivor perks, but mainly because they tend to be very high values (Hope/Background Player) or permanent effects. The closest thing to a real haste perk they have is PWYF, which requires constant control of your tokens. Give killers something as crazy as Hope's speed in endgame and let's see…
  • Many changes have been introduced to combat all this, but ironically before all these measures were introduced, games were healthier. It has been warned countless times that the current direction of the game leads to an increase in all of this behaviors. But hey, nerfs to weaker killers and nerfs to all kinds of generator…
  • Perform a backflip while reciting the alphabet in mid-flight whould be a better way to achieve a regression event that was recently capped to 8 per gen. Meanwhile, we have a perk showing you the location of the 3-gen and giving you a permanent repair bonus with no condition. Another one giving a repair bonus for being…
  • That killer was one of the most fun things since Wesker, being preceded by some of the worst and most unfun killers on the roster that even today are still a problem. I couldn't care less about the opinion of those who don't even buy the DLC because there was no survivor attached to it.
  • Well, Surge was also one of the best perks at some point because the nerfs to other perks leave no other options. Unfortunately, regression perks are mandatory in most situations. I'd like to play chase or auras builds, but it's not viable unless you're already steamrolling the other team. Regression will always be at the…
  • It should be reverted to TOTAL progress with any percentage they estimate… The current POP is already trash. People use it because there is nothing better, not because it's a good perk.
  • Chucky went from the most well received killer on release to THIS lol I rarely play him anymore, with these changes I even wish for a refund.
  • Other games, such as CS:GO2, block ReShade for a reason. DBD is not a competitive game, or at least not to the level of facing each other face to face and avoid this kind of things, like having one player with a croshair and another one with an insane streached resolution. Everyone playing from home can modify the game in…
  • The day this happens is going to be extremely funny. And it will end up coming, because that nerf was already leaked in a recent patch notes and quickly removed from it. I doubt they redacted a whole paragraph for a perk change by mistake. People have gotten so used to this perk that they have completely lost their…
  • It won't change anything. If you are hit with a DS you will not change target, on the contrary, you will continue with the same one since he lost one of his defenses. They only change will probably be the return of some killers slugging to avoid DS.
  • Disappointment with the Twins rework, they will remain unpopular. It was as easy to fix as giving them a button that would allow them to switch positions between each other, making it possible for Charlotte to immediately hook someone that Victor downs. The change to Ultimate Weapon also seems rather silly to me. Now we…
  • It is not even necessary to deactivate the drones, just crouch walk and repair. I find it extremely annoying when I am unnoticed repairing a gen and a teammate comes to deactivate the drone attracting the attention of the Skull Merchant. A drone placed on a generator is a poorly placed drone, it is only effective thanks to…
  • This map is a design disaster. It has a gigantic central deadzone because every house has at least two windows where most killers don't have much to do but wait for them to block. It doesn't have a single structure that can be won by skill or mindgames. The theme of the map is the big culprit of this, because there are no…
  • There are no more hook grabs and you have basekit endurance after the unhook, so depending on the distance from the gate in many cases you can say it is a guaranteed escape.
  • The rush is so over the top that I have even come to appreciate the premade bullies. You know they can finish the game in less than five minutes if they wanted to, but they decide to drag it out and even losing because their main objective bores them. On the other side of the coin you have those SWF premades where there is…
  • Well, stealing blood drop is already impossible unless the killer is totally ignoring the event. You have to take the very first chase to have a chance.
  • What a great idea to put a limited number of blob of blood, so that you can only steal it in the first minutes of the game. Since obviously, and as expected, everyone is going to collect the points as fast as they can and the killers will never carry the effect on them. To complete the tome challenge I had to force a Head…
  • Incommunication is a fundamental part of this game. Without it, many perks or killers (such as stealth killers) are meaningless. In every other game there is no problem in showing when you are playing a premade. If playing in SWF has no advantage, then all changes to help SoloQ should be reverted.
  • Boring and mostly useless, it's a placebo. Currently, the gen regression is only useful when you already have the upperhand of the match. I'll take the old Ruin and POP without thinking. The old Pain Resonance plus Dead Man's Switch meta was also better. I don't care if the regression is now greater, it's better to have…
  • It all started with the huge mistake that was removing BBQ and Chilli's bonus points. You were already warned that there would be consequences after removing totally legitimate strategies from the game, such as 3gen, hook grabs or camping. Every change with such an high impact on the gamplay requires some type of…
  • They only liked Billy because if you met one, he was most likely a newbie player. Those who kept running into every wall and who could be looped endlessly because they tried to use his power while not being able to do those crazy turns. As soon as you met a good main Billy it was exactly the same thing as you describe. And…
  • In other games it's exactly the same, if you flex there are two outcomes: 1- You are avoided out of respect. 2- You are challenged by the most tryhard players. And if you don't do well, they will probably laugh at you. Let's say this is Street Fighter 6 and you are a Master Ryu player. A new challenger aproarch your…