I agree with everything but 2 and 4. the reason i disagree with two is on my analysis, lockers actually have a set distance between no matter how big a map is. Calculating the movement speed of a killer as m/p/s I discovered that all a locker is at least (at all times) 25 meters away from each other. It's the same for the…
This sounds amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @deadbydaylight Please make this a thing!!!
I actually couldn't think of anything that would work if you're not the obsession besides that. But I agree that it would be a vague version of Up the Ante. How about around a 10%/13%/15% chance (which is actually pretty high) as the value? Edit: misspelled a word.
I hope you like my concept, if you do please let me know! I worked really hard to bring this into the limelight. I feel as if this perk would be extremely balanced and an alternative to decisive strike. Of course the perks do not work together and only one may work at any given time.