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  • Jesus Christ! This community is such a bunch of cry babies. You know so much go play the lotto bro. They literally just announced it and you can see the future? You guys wonder why things take so long to get fixed? Well when you comolain about everything, including an UPDATE THAT HASN'T EVEN RELEASED YET, it's hard to take…
  • Like I've said before, it's about time killers get a 5th perk slot. They are killers and are meant to be overpowered and intimidating. To balance it out the 5th slot should only be a green perk.
  • I believe one way the devs can slow the gens down without actually adding more time, is by giving killers another perk slot. After all they are killers. Why should they be "equal" in power against 4 survivors who need to be hooked 3 times? Add a 5th perk slot that maybe only allows you to use a green perk. It would buff…
  • Still amazed by people complaining about this, when the devs themselves said it means nothing. It only means you've played a lot during that specific month. Unless you just bought the game I don't see this complaint being valid anymore.
  • It's really not that serious. Like I said if you're playing to get your emblems when it's clearly messed up then you're doing it wrong. Stop trying to rank up when the devs themselves said it means nothing. Play the game to have fun and not "win". Because if you're trying to "win" on either side I can almost assure you…
  • Because I've seen survivor mains cry about things AND I've seen killer mains cry about things. It definitely goes both ways. Either way, the devs do listen believe it or not. Like I said before, I've been playing a long time and I've seen the change. Just be patient instead of getting all bent out of shape.
  • These are the kind of posts I hate, from both sides! This community is absolutely the worst. People cry and cry no matter what the devs do. I play both sides equally and don't care whether I "win" or "lose". The only thing I care about is if I had fun. If you're not having fun you're either A. Taking the game WAY too…
  • This guy gets it. You nailed it buddy. With all the perks, loops, coms, 3 hooks etc. I honestly feel like a 5th perk is what's needed at this point. If the devs are too scared, start off with a floating 5th.
  • I literally just told you exactly why you were trolling. You came to the thread with what seems to be some kind of grudge against him. You never even once mentioned the topic at hand and to top it off you're trying to act like you (specifically just you) didn't know he was talking about the devs. Because everyone who's…
  • Bro stop being a troll. We all know he was talking about the devs here. If you didn't know BHVR was located in Canada, then maybe you shouldn't be on the forums throwing in your two cents in the first place. Nothing needs to be edited or walked back. You on the other hand should stop being a troll.
  • If you believe not helping the team helps you, by all means keep doing it. Never seen anyone one in any team based game DBD or otherwise win alone. Keep thinking about yourself and you will stay a rank 21 forever.
  • Bond, Aftercare to let the randoms know you're on a gen or in a chase, kindred, iron will, decisive strike. Oh and adrenaline. Works well with kindred. I've gotten a lot of face camp DCs once the team works together to get me off the hook.
  • Whoever told you this is a liar my friend. I play on both PC and PS4 on my monitor and the frames on the PS4 are a ######### show.
  • I don't think it should be built in. That's too lazy a work around. How about making gens require gas before they're even powered and if the person that is carrying the gas gets downed the container has to be refilled. Another way to counter the speed of gens getting done is to change the skill checks to QTE. If the skill…
  • To assume he was camping based on his perks is a little ignorant. If people are going to camp they will do so regardless of their perks. I've played against killers who face camped with BBQ and that was before the 100 ways to counter it. Also, it looks like he's playing on the console. Having unrelenting with the #########…
  • I started a thread on this awhile back.
  • I think 24 hours is a bit harsh. I think they should have a gradual progression of bans. First Offense: 10 minutes Second Offense: 20 minutes Third Offense: 1 hour Fourth Offense: 4 hours Fifth Offense: 10 hours So on and so forth. You can just keep increasing the time each offense. All offenses should be wiped clean when…
  • Been asking for this for awhile. I play on both PC and console. I've spent the bulk of my time playing with friends on the console. But now with the terrible matchmaking times I've gone back to PC. I don't want to have to grind all over again for things I already have. I'm pretty sure they can implement this. If not now,…
  • For sure. I don't know any rank 1 survivors who run that perk. But if it was added I could see it being used to get rid of Hex: Ruin faster and cleanse all the totems just in case NOED. All that cleansing would definitely slow the game down.
  • I just think all Gens should require gas to even begin working on. Then once they are done they should have to be plugged in to a central power station or something. It would slow the game down and add new mechanics to the game.
  • Definitely not. I agree it should be built in with Small Game. But definitely not just in the game with no perks. The whole point of a Hex totem is to give the killer a super OP power, but can be shut down once destroyed.
  • You obviously didn't read what I said. No one said to stop and pose. I said there should be a screenshot of the player's character next to their name. No one said anything about stopping for a pose. The game already has a way of giving someone a "thumbs up." So I suggested they expand on it. Because just saying "gg" at the…
  • How would that take away from the tone of the game? It happens at the END of the trial and literally changes nothing in game. People compliment each other all the time in the chat. So why not put something better than just saying "gg" at the end of the trial? Also, if you didn't know they already have something like this,…
  • Or how about simply giving some kind of bonus BP for hitting/downing a survivor X amount of meters from hooked survivor?
  • This is an awesome idea! Simple quality of life idea. It would go great with the End of Game Cheer System I suggested.
  • I like these a lot! Great ideas! Killers definitely don't have enough perks to turn the tide of the game quick. My favorite is the Hex: Breakdown. Let's get the Devs to see this!
  • I have to agree with Orion on this one. The main reason tunneling/camping happens in the first place, is because Gens get done way too quick. I don't think the only way to slow down gen rushing should be Hex: Ruin. Instead of a perk to slow things down, why not introduce a new mechanic? Maybe gens need gas before being…
  • I think it would be a good quality of life improvement. It would also liven up that bland end game screen. I was also thinking; why not have a points breakdown? Something like: *Total Gens Completed *Total Totems Cleansed *Safe Hook Rescues *Players Healed *Chase Time So you can actually see where the points are coming…
  • Not saying it is Overwatch. But it's just a quality of life thing. Also, what's wrong with borrowing from other games that do things right? At the end of the day isn't the goal to make this game the best it can be?
  • I think this is what was holding them back before. Let's hope later on down the line they implement it.