I wasted like 2 million blood points and still didnt get ds
the characters you have a valid point on but the perks could be locked for a week and it can spice up the game a bit.
the problem is if i dont use the same stuff then i will lose every game because of meta survivor perks like ds deadhard bt and iron will
You guys are right about the characters being locked but creating some kind of system like the shrine blocking perks every week will be a new interesting concept which can work in favor for both killer and survivor
But locking dead hard for a week will change the gameplay alot or maybe locking DS or BBQ or any of these meta perks
I just putting out a new idea which can change the gameplay drastically
Then maybe not block the character maybe instead block two random survivor and killer perks like the opposite of the shrine of secrets
I dont play poorly lol it just gets boring and annoying that if you use other perks then the game is 20x harder because all the survivors run annoying meta perkss
The problem is that if you dont then you are going to lose and thats my whole point Is to change it up a bit
It gets boring running the same meta every time
thats just for a week its fun to change it up once in a while
smh toxic survivor mains
This is just an idea i feel like it could make the game way more fun and different