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  • On end of season rankings I dropped 1 or 2 but never 5 , im sure it may be a glitch but I logged lots of hours to get as low as I did but its still a kick in the nuts to have to climb back down again .
  • I think the DEVS love seeing these kind of threads , Camping or Facecamping is NOT a correct way to play , and they will NEVER fix this problem !! The sad thing is I PAID GOOD MONEY to have a game I really enjoy and have logged tons of hours on but they allow in my opinion CHEATING as a strategy .They have all theses…
  • Personally I rarely DC , I do like the DC penalty that they put in place but the downside is , it created 90% more campers . Yes it is frustrating and poor gameplay in my opinion but in the end it's in the rules of fair gameplay . If it happens too often to me I won't DC but if im being camped hard I will just suicide , in…
  • I have never seen or heard this happen , it sounds to me like your controller is messed up , maybe its time for a new one .
  • It happened to me yesterday with The Shape ( Myers ) I chased the survivor up the stairs on the same map and turned at the top and then I was stuck against the wall , Then I was taunted by 2 survivors because I couldn't move . It also happened a couple of times with my survivors on different maps , it is really frustrating…
  • I myself am only a green rank but I know its hard to play with the reds but in their defence it just shows that they log tons of hours and have earned their ranks by good play and strategies , on the other hand I sure there is a downside to how they got there too like not helping teammates getting off hooks or healing and…
  • The only problem with having a dog killer is ....... how will he hang the survivors on the hooks ??? It makes no sense ! Personally I think someone like Jack The Ripper as a killer and having the map take place in Old England with cobblestone streets and gas burning street lamps and horse and buggys , or Dracula set in an…
  • No need for rude messages from me , it just proves my point that players like you will never have any skills at this game , We all know its in the rules as ( fair play ) much to the 99% who disagree but if it makes you feel like you won GOOD FOR YOU Cupcake !
  • I can admit I sent a few not so nice messages to Trolls and Campers in the past but in the end its not worth it , now I just curse at my tv and realize that these type of players just have NO SKILLS at all and if that makes them feel like they won and are the best killers in the game POWER TO THEM , They can say its a…
  • Another idea would be Norman Bates and have the map in the Bates motel . Or Dracula and the map in a Transylvania Castle and he could morph into a bat to blend into the birds , just a couple of ideas I had .
  • I would love to see a classic killer like Jack The Ripper and have the map set back in the old early days of England with gas fired street lights and cobblestone streets !
  • My fave would be Deliverance , sometimes your co-players are too far away on the map or they just ignore you hanging there !
  • Yup it happened a few times for me too being stuck beside a gen and also stuck in the basement after opening the chest but I was released once I took the item .
  • In my opinion I think the More should still be in play but reduced to 1 Mori per trial just like a survivor has their toolbox or med kit deplete after 1 use , that way the killer has his or her choice of which survivor to use it on .
  • Yes , smaller maps = Advantage Killer . On the other hand it means survivors need to brush up your stealth skills instead of running around like a chicken with its head cut off and then whine when you get caught ! I myself am not too happy with some of the new features like sucking the life out of a hooked survivor but its…
  • Agreed , nothing will be done about camping and complaining about it over and over still won't convince the Devs to change the layout of the game , I have even made a suggestion to even have an in-game penilty for camping killers to get re-spawned halfway across the map if they didn't leave by a certain time or radius ,…
  • It has been happening to me a lot lately too ! Don't get me wrong I love this game and I know the developers are doing their best to keep up with the bugs but this one needs attention ASAP .
  • Well if its not a reportable thing , then tell me why the devopers added at the end of the game an option to report grieving due to unfair game play , amongst Other OPTIONS ?????????? I dont think they developed that option for nothing !
  • In my opinion i think if the killer does not leave the area by a certain radius within a certain time after a hook they should get re-spawned halfway to all the way across the map to give the survivors a fighting chance.