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  • Because haste can have different values, not just On/Off (?) Again, I like the idea, but we need to think about the mechanics of implementation. In an unfinished form, it can completely destroy the balance. "Why does The Wraith's break rate stack between addons and perks? Let the highest value apply, not the sum of the…
  • TAKE IT. KILL IT. NOW. But seriously, the perk is problematic in itself. Even before the MFT, smarties were creating 120% speed. Such non-outplayable things should not be on both sides. It's just unhealthy.
  • While this would solve all speed issues, this method is best applied to movement speed only. Otherwise, it may become a bad trend. The very idea of creating a build is in synergy, and this mechanic implies ignoring synergies.
  • Speed itself is an issue. I swear if BHVR ever add a killer with no ability, but with a standard speed of 5.00, he will destroy everything and everyone.
  • Yes, but at that moment the killers had other, less difficult to implement alternatives. It seemed to me that the community figured out this combo only 2-3 months before the nerf. (At least, I started to see it with YouTubers right then.)
  • I like to overcome strong opponents, punish toxic players, experiment with builds and strategies.
  • Yeah, that kind of thing is AFK farm. The problem with leveling up in DBD is that you get experience just by completing a round. It is not necessary to be active. Attacks and abilities are designed for survivors so that they can, if not play, then farm as well.
  • BHVR don't know how to properly balance. The upcoming changes won't be enough, so they'll nerf printers ones again and M1 Singularity without the ability will become the most boring and most unavoidable 3g-holder. Do you remember SM and Knight? The Singularity will be worse.
  • Actually, they can. Wesker sprays are also limited, but have you ever run out of them?
  • Then let me, as an experienced killer, play with the majority. Let me feel the pleasure of my skills. Let me win, FFS... If there is MMR in the game, the game automatically becomes competitive, and therefore perks, powers, and "features" should be considered competitive and balanced accordingly. Speed is the most important…
  • Trust an experienced killer, a couple percent makes a difference. Remember the speed addon of SM? 2% bonus speed, but the survivor dies in the first loop. Because distance is so critical. Muscle memory suggests that, the killer will catch up on you only on the 4th lap, but the difference is so insignificant that you are…
  • I don't think that there is integer number of printers that will make the Singularity balanced when playing us and against. I believe that it is necessary to completely or partially change the ability. I see two ways: 1) abandon automatic aiming, because the game has a VERY strange understanding of "seeing" survivors and…
  • Of course, every killer has an instadown, an antiloop and an instant 3'd BL. And of course, a couple of percent is not a big difference, despite the fact that 2% haste saves the killer 10-15 seconds in each loop. This is half of the Prove'd gen.
  • 600 hours, 70% killer, 30% survivor. Current MMR - gens drop to 3 in the first 5 minutes, SWFs are pretty frequent, 2/3 try to 360 me. (Which led to the invention of special ways of hitting, but that's another story.) I think that there IS a problem with tunneling and camping, but it will not be solved by adding another…
  • The thing about Scavenger is that it differs from PTB in three ways: 1) it takes +1 skill (which is quite minor, but a nerf) 2) after the activation, the repair speed is reduced by 50% for something like 30-40s. 3) The perk can now be used theoretically an infinite number of times. Number 2 sounds scary, BUT if you repair…
  • But I don't want to. Why is victory a skill issue for survivors, but it's up to the limit and no more for killers? It's not fair.
  • If you got it, you deserved it, and the part about "bad at the game" only confirms this theory.
    in Slugging? Comment by Dark_Alex June 2023
  • There is no counterplay in this at all if the survivors do everything right. It's often said: don't participate in the three-minute chase. But what if each victim stretches the chase for 3 minutes, resets 30 seconds after the chase is interrupted, and continues to genrush? (This is not the worst, but quite a common 1/3…
  • How about... taking traps from lockers until the maximum number is taken?
  • Killers should have 4 perks, but one should be native non-removable. Or 3 addon slots.
  • Killers should be punished for doing their job. Noted.
  • It was not necessary to insult my knowledge. You are missing one simple point: bad ideas should be weeded out before they reach release. You must THINK before you DO. After all, we are intelligent because we are able to predict the results of our actions. What kind of mindless automaton are you if you have to take an…
  • Actually, it does. This is how balance works. Knowing some survivors, the mechanic will be mercilessly exploited to gain advantage without any way to counter for the killer. Like basekit Time, which when unhooked near the gate, effectively makes the survivor invulnerable. What should Killer do? Just admit defeat.
  • I think it's pretty well balanced. Nothing special, but saves time spent on kicks. The second part doesn't really matter. The benefit from the kill outweighs the loss of the Hex.
  • We need to increase the average MMR of SWFs and lower the average MMR for SoloQ. So everyone will be given the appropriate challenge. Killers included. You shouldn't forget them.
  • Then what should the killer do? Kill everyone or as many as you can. What better way to do this than tunneling or camping? Practically same logic. (In case you haven't noticed, "letting survivors have fun" is not a category. You don't get paid for this, so appreciate those who let you have fun and don't blame others who…
  • It's not your fault that the killer laid you down. (Well, kind of yours, actually, because the game gives you every opportunity to avoid it.) Sometimes, after a successful chase, the killer has a higher priority than gaining an extra hook stage. For example, he might be protecting a hot generator right now, giving a free…
  • None of the listed perks provide a similar bonus. I suspect it's due to being thrown off the killer's shoulder. (To prevent the killer from resetting the wiggle timer, the progress of the wiggle is saved between pickups and increases by 30% (?) each time the killer tries to drop a survivor. If the total wiggle is below…
  • The CoH situation feels unfair, but it should have been done that way. The ability to independently heal all survivors an infinite number of times in a huge radius for the price of one perk slot? Doesn't that sound too strong? Even lowering the healing speed will not affect this. All this is imperceptible in comparison…
  • Simple solution: Cooldown to stop spamming and rework Shattered Hope to make this perk more stable. Because if you suddenly get a team without totems, you have one dead slot. Give one perk a cooldown and another a reason to use it more permanently and everything will work great.
  • Simple solution: Cooldown to stop spamming and rework Shattered Hope to make this perk more stable. Because if you suddenly get a team without totems, you have one dead slot. Give one perk a cooldown and another a reason to use it more permanently and everything will work great.
  • Not only was DH limited to a total of 8 successful uses per match, but it once again encourages killers to tunnel. The unhooked will not be able to reset the DH if he immediately engages in a new chase, making him a safe and defenseless option to take out of the game quickly. You know... If you think about it, DH could…
  • Why don't killers do that? I mean, we're part of the community, too. Yes, a small part, but necessary. Why don't we demand better conditions for ourselves? WE have to be the voice, because our vote alone is worth 4 votes of the survivors.
  • "You can cry, but I don't see why." Got it.
  • Tunneling and camping are also a kind of fast pressing of certain buttons. As well as writing the most racist and inhuman insults in the chat. And yet, here we are. The killers are offended by groups of SWFs who set themselves the goal of mentally injuring the maniac, after which the maniac dead in the eyes tunnels and…
  • Plus, (and I think this opinion will not be controversial) half of the recent rebalance needs to be undone. For both sides. You overdid it a bit with the destruction of the meta. If I understand your aspirations correctly, a particular perk should be no more likely to be picked than any other. However, the notional Ruin…