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  • Seems to be related with the bug that matches you to an incorrect server, where you queue outside of your mmr/region. Personally my incentive seems to be 25% on survivor, if at all. This remains active even when survivor queue times exceed 4 minutes and it still fails to give killer incentive. Regardless. The incentive is…
  • Definitely off. Survivor bonus usually stays at 25% for me. Whether queues are instant or 5 minutes. It's very discouraging because previously I could use queues to excuse myself and play killer. But at this rate it's better to wait 5 minutes and stack bp with swf than insta queue killer for 50k bp. Honestly, the queue…
  • Is this what you're seeing? If so the desync is caused by sprint canceling the unlocking interaction and is not tied to any item.
  • Loss of progress is a huge issue but yeah I don't believe there's any reason to gatekeep cosmetics to a certain platform and player base. I think the solution would be to just gift all legacy clothing to players whom P100 the classic characters. Aka Dwight-Nea earns all legacy at once and same with Trapper-Nurse. Nobody…
  • Generally balanced and navigation has greatly improved since removing the upstairs breakable wall and massive rock behind main building.
  • While it doesn't feel any harder to escape or kill on this map it is consistently unfun for both roles. Main building should be moved to a corner of the map. While main itself isn't a particularly strong structure, it's massive size makes navigating across the map a chore and generally gives too much information to players…
  • The map generally favors survivors. Its a long stretch with many pallets and filler tiles on either side of the map. This map should be condensed to make it less of a chore to navigate. The bamboo that spawns near rocks has awkward collision, it should be kept as a hiding place but let players walk through it.
  • The map itself is balanced, however Main building is generally a bit too strong if the ramps to enter it face the center of the map. The main building shouldn't rotate to better control the strength for survivors. The ground floor of main building is generally hard to navigate and would benefit from easier pathing to exit…
  • Generally fine and balanced. I think Crows need to spawn closer to the ground however, many are perched in trees and don't reliably give off notifications. The pier can occasionally spawn strong loops with tiles chaining to nearby pallets, so if the pier is reduced in strength the map would benefit from an extra gym tile…
  • Generally favors survivors by a long shot. The basement of main is too long and features 1/2 strong pallets plus a fence loop just outside the school, and 3 pallets in short proximity. The school needs to have access to The Basement hooks at all times, or be extended to feature hooks inside the main building. The fence…
  • Its largely just unsatisfactory to face. In general, it leads to 1 potential extra kill. Any more than that is a grand misplay by the collective survivor team. However, lack of satisfaction does not equate strength in any way. Getting 1/2 kills out of 4 is hardly a balancing issue. In general, if the comments bother you I…
  • Undetectable just limits mindgames by hiding red stain as well as his aura. The directional audio is not any different from a chase with terror radius. It's just to give him an extra slip in Nightfall where Dredge can potentially capitalize on locker hopping mid chase. Sure, it limits the use of Undetectable perks on them,…
  • Totems are a free 1k bp and earned significantly faster than doing gens. To their defense cleansing dulls can limit the spawns of noed/plaything/face the darkness. Particularly in the case of noed pre cleansing dulls gives you a safe haven to take chase so you're not hooked by the hex, and cleansing multiple prevents some…
  • Nurse is a relic of old hide and seek design. Her power will never be balanced. As it stands, you can simply never be better than the Nurse. She can only be worse than you. No matter how many hurdles or limitations we place on her, the concept of ignoring all mechanics from pallets/vaults/walls/elevation will always be…
  • Solving the box as Cenobite will cause the survivors to scream but chain hunt does not spawn chains. Additionally, disables the ability to create possessed chains. (No prompt.)
  • Singularity has multiple issues. 1: very map dependant. 2. Very high skill floor easily bypassed by how free emps are. 3. Multiple issues with collision regarding bipod stalking and teleporting. 4. Power is counterplayed before it has an impact on game. Maybe a controversial idea, but I think Biopods should have passive…
  • Event rarity is scarcer than other items, so its considered more valuable despite the cost. Previously it was in our favor as event items were considered very rare+ and could be used for tome challenges, but now with autowebs it is a bit of an oversight.
  • Due to personal reasons I have temporarily become a Hag main.
  • It wouldn't work, sadly. Either a survive with friends gets to take turns sharing shorter penalties, or if it's based off the team then it's penalizing stable players for having immature friends. The system works fine as is.
  • Game ends if everyone is on second hook. If you have attempts you're free to use them unless you are the last survivor in the trial.
  • I don't imagine they'll nerf it.
  • Its wish.com noed. It's annoying to go against, but not strong outside of a full endgame build. NWO/Remember Me are valid picks, but I think the real value comes from forcing Blood Warden.