As I am a P100 Deathslinger main and just a killer main in general, I think the word "sweaty" is just overused in general. I feel like the correct definition of the word is using your killers power well, which I can do with Deathslinger. The other one is what most scummy killers do, unless you are doing it for pressure.…
I am not trying to offend anyone, but Coup is fine. I am a P94 Deathslinger main and I only use it because it makes hitting trickshots actually rewarding. Any survivor that complains about a killer perks that gives a benefit, but they lose something crucial is just overreacting…
I main killer but almost never tunnel. At this point, every survivor just assumes every killer tunnels in a match…
The fact you are complaing about Hex Thrill Of The Hunt shows the entitlement of the survivor community. It's one of the most useless killer perks in the game…
I actually disagree with you slightly. I currently main Deathslinger and I am P91, almost P100 with him. I do agree with most of it. The only issue is that he would get nerfed almost instantly because of the council of survivor mains.
Don't make it sound like he is too strong. I would say survivors and everything they have are even stronger this time around.
If the killer isn't doing those things, the survivors have way more of an advantage.
To be fair, survivors just gen rush and if any complaining was done, the survivors did way more of that than the killers did.
To be fair, maybe if every survivor didn't gen rush and make every match last five min, killers wouldn't have to slug and tunnel. I understand if you are exempt from this, but 90% of killers only slug and tunnel because of gen rushing. It's the only counter to it because every gen regression perk gets nerfed to oblivion.…