i agree with all of that, except the canceling sprint part. that would make it practically unusable in chase and would be too strong for killer
Are there any perks for killer or survivor that makes the frequency of blood orbs spawn more or less? Like sloppy butcher or no mither, that change the bleeding rates? or is it purely static?
that was my B, i completely forgot about Yamaoka. but as for Coldwind farm, because they said they wanted to focus on realms with only one map, or licensed maps, i didn't include it.
How do you decide who to chose to make cosmetics for? and does it take longer for killer or survivors to do so?
It depends on what killer you play and how you play. Take me for example, Myers, and i usually play revolving around EW3, being able to not respect pallets and lunge through all of them, makes the pallets go away real fast, or get downs real fast. Some other killers, like trapper, clown, plague, won't really use it. And…
Dc rate against specific killers
when i try doing that, it never works, it's like it's stuck in that screen
i mean vanity mirror and scratched mirror, not cracked mirror.