@AshInTheTallGrass I was just coming back to edit my post after I remembered Ongo Gablogian 😂
His bloody prestige cosmetics could feature the wound on his head from the episode when he fell out of the window.. also, don’t forget his Dr. Mantis Toboggan skin
I really like the idea of bloodpoint bonuses for each empty perk slot, I'd be interested to see how many players would play with fewer or no perks if it was brought it. Not really a fan of the idea of extra bloodpoints for cosmetics and charms, while I'm sure it's a well meaning idea, it could look like they were trying to…
All valid points that I had not considered yet. @JPLongstreet I see your point, but with smart play, isn't the idea of a 'free escape' during EGC already possible with Borrowed Time as it is? @RareOmen @sizzlingmario4 and @SuzuKR you all raise a very good point about the abusability of the idea, unfortunately, I don't play…
I support the principle of this idea. In fact, I made a similar post back in June in the feedback and suggestions area. It is my opinion that rifts shouldn’t be timed and should just be added to the game with the tome and left open for anyone to work on, regardless of how often they play, or how recently they started…
Would love to see Naughty Bear make a return in some form or another. I was pretty hyped when he was mentioned during the anniversary stream, loved the original game and Trouble in Paradise too. Might have to set up my 360 to play both of them again sometime next week as I don't think I managed to 100% either of them.
Really looking forward to playing it when it's out, going to re watch all three movies this weekend because the game trailer got me hyped.
Thanks people, I really appreciate the support for the idea. @Khar that's exactly the kind of situation I was trying to describe. Also, yes, lowering the amount of XP to earn a fragment from playing the game was a great move and really helped lower the grind. I know most multiplayer games with a 'battle pass' do the same…
---Repost because my original comment disappeared--- I had a similar idea a while ago, I wondered what if the killers were survivors and vice versa, I even came up with some perks for the survivor version of Evan McMillan. Inspiring Presence - Other survivors share in your determination to get things done. While repairing…
Oh that's strange, I tried to edit a grammatical error in my post and now its gone?
I had a similar idea a while ago, I wondered what if the killers were survivors and vice versa, I even came up with some perks for the survivor version of Evan McMillan. Inspiring Presence - Other survivors share in your determination to get things done. While repairing or healing, survivors within 8 meters of you, have a…
I’m Indifferent to NOED, I don’t use it when I play killer and while getting hit by it when you’re so close to escaping sucks, it is an entirely preventable perk. I know solo players can’t keep track of who cleansed what but there are perks like small game and detectives hunch if you really do want to be keeping an eye out…
Like some others I was really hoping for Ash and we got him so I’m pretty satisfied. However if I had to choose another then I’d probably say R. J. MacReady from The Thing.
@AshleyWB Alan Wake is actually a pretty good idea, a flashlight based perk would probably be a guarantee for him. Man I loved that game.
I really like playing against Leatherface, I get excitedly tense when being chased by him, especially when he’s right behind you so you can see the red stain creeping up your back then he starts revving his chainsaw and you’re frantically looking for a sharp corner, window, or pallet to avoid the instadown. It’s just a…
The mask existed before the film so I would argue that what the devs have done is no different to what the filmmakers did. They got a license for a mask to use in their film/game and then wrote a backstory for the person(s) beneath it. Would I have liked a fully licensed ‘Scream’ chapter? Of course, but it would appear…
I’m pretty hyped for both too. That Freddy rework looks like it’s going to be super fun for mind gaming. My favourite announcement from the anniversary stream would have to be the archive though, the more lore the better. Looking forward to seeing streams of the PTB in the meantime though, I’m unfortunately on console and…
D’Vorah from Mortal Kombat, I know it’s not really a horror game but I think her look would fit into DBD nicely, plus I’d love to see some sort of bug related killer in the game.
Teachable Perks are the biggest thing throwing off the balance of the game. Unnerving Presence is more powerful on Doctor than anyone else because of the nature of his power, same for Iron Maiden on Huntress, BBQ on Nurse, Make Your Choice on Hag.... so on and so on. Survivors have loads of pretty powerful perks that can…
Xbox One for me. I plan on getting a Switch in the future but I doubt I’ll get DBD for it.
@tt_ivi_99 that tune is so catchy... ”Here comes the trappeeeeeer, best stay away from his traps! Here comes the trappereeeer, better eat some ginger snaps!”
100% I’m buying this, this is exactly the dlc I’ve been waiting for. I’m a huge Evil Dead fan and while it is a little bit disappointing that there won’t be a map or killer, playing as Bruce Effing Campbell is enough for me. Don’t even care about the perks!
@BigBadPiggy yeah Evil Ash would be cool too. I’ll be honest the very possibility of playing as Ash is enough for me, everything else would be icing on the cake. @Delfador it probably would be a lot of work but a man can dream :)
I think it would be cool if the killer is just a generic Deadite with loads of cosmetic option to be different ‘people’ kind of like Legion, but also has unlockable skins to have a deadite version of each survivor (obviously not the liscenced ones) when you sacrifice them enough, like Leatherface. No idea what the power…
Cool idea, a simple solution to a common complaint, good work.
I tend to mix it up a bit when it comes to selecting perks but I was really enjoying a map awareness / objective build for survivor, using Dark Sense, Detective’s Hunch, Urban Evasion, and Alert. I really like knowing where everything is, especially the killer lol. As for killer it all depends on who I’m playing as. With…
Hag: A dryad type costume, complete wooden body covered with vines and thorns, a few leaves sprouting out here and there, maybe even a snake wrapped around her weapon arm. The weapon hand would just simple be overly thorny branches. Also visible carvings of dark magic runes / sigils (similar to her Black Catalyst…
@HoshiTora I really like the perks Well of Echoes, Peer Review, and Word Count. I mean the whole thing is a great piece of work that you’ve clearly put a lot of effort in to but those three things really stood out to me as cool ideas. Word Count especially would combo nicely with Small Game or Detectives Hunch, although…
Happy new year everyone, here’s to another year in the fog!
Fair point, I suppose I just only ever think of him playing altruistically because of ‘we’re gonna live forever’. I wouldn’t be opposed to killers having getting the same treatment. I specified survivor because I think they could do with a bit more individuality to make picking one to play more to do with what they have to…
At the moment... Killers 1- Shape 2- Legion 3- Wraith Survivors 1- Nea 2- Feng 3- Tapp Honourable Mentions The Doctor & Jeff ... but my mind changes like the wind so who knows what this list will look like next month, plus there are still some characters on both sides I haven’t had much game time with.
Surely at least one of them would be into Nirvana, maybe a bit of Motley Crue as well.
I do see the point you’re making, I’m afraid I just don’t agree that it’s a problem that needs solving. Obviously though I’m not the one you’d need to convince, that’d be the developers, so I wish you all the best in that endeavour. Just to add though that while I don’t see the situation as ‘problematic’ I’m also not…
I’ve given it some more thought but I’m afraid I still don’t see a problem here. Yes you could argue that the drop in efficiency is disproprtionate after the first kill, however I would argue that it’s not. Let’s say for example that it takes each survivor at the start of the game 10 seconds to find a generator and start…
I found this to be a rather interesting problem to ponder so thanks for that. However, it occurs to me that surely solving the ‘death-efficiency problem’ is the point of the game. As a killer your aim is to lower the survivor teams efficiency by chasing them away from generators in any way you can, as well as causing…
Yeah that’s a fair point, one of my concerns about the build was trying to manage Play With Your Food properly.
I love these animations, so happy to see a new one. Who knew that The Trapper was such a skilled musician? :p
I try not to have any expectations in a game. Given how many unknown variables there are (random map, not knowing which killer you’re against, 5 sets of perks in the game, plus add ons and offerings, etc) I find it hard to predict how a match will go until a couple of minutes in and even then I’ve seen a solid end game…
I agree with @Mister_xD it does come down to the fact that killers work pretty much all categories in a game while survivors might usually score more points in just two categories, depending on what role you’ve played. Also that killers play a whole round whereas survivors could be anything from a quarter of the game…
I do like the idea but I wonder what would become of Hex: Haunted Ground?
For a survivor I’d have to choose Ash from The Evil Dead. Obviously not when he has a chainsaw on his arm though lol. I did post some perk ideas for him in another thread on the fan creations section... ... overall I think he’d be a good addition to…
To be perfectly honest I love the idea but like you I’m quite a fan of the films so I guess i’m biased lol. I’ve thought a little about how an Evil Dead chapter would work and one perk idea I had for Ash was one that would capture his cockiness from the later films. It would be called ‘Hail to the King’ and would be…
I like the idea, I’d also recommend adding a weekly challenge alongside the dailies, something requiring some time to complete but worth a boat load of BP. Example: As the Hillbilly, successfully chainsaw 30 times - 250,000 BP PS. Obviously the numbers could be tweaked for balance, I just multiplied the daily by 10 for…
Now that you mention it, it makes sense that I’d have been booted back to the start screen if it was a loss on my end. Thanks for the answers people. Much appreciated.
Excellent work. I found a lot of the information here very useful, thanks!
I’ve got a few ideas floating around but I’m trying to flesh one of them out before posting. It’ll probably just be a killer and maybe a map too. I really don’t play survivor yet so I wouldn’t know what would be useful from that side of the game. I keep coming back to an idea of a killer called ‘The Chemist’ so that’s…
I agree that it seems unlikely but I suppose anything is possible. Hypothetically speaking though, I’d Love to play Leatherface in his grey suit and ‘pretty lady’ mask.
Wales 🏴
Nice work.
No problem, happy to help