Bro when I played killer I got teleported on the other side of a pallet when I got hit then I switch to survivor and see a billy hit me though a truck on pre school.
Bro I played him and was like ######### happened with my lunge I thought something was wrong. Glad to know im not the only one this happened to.
I had the same bug it pisses me off that they let a bug like that into live servers. I had to DC because I was stuck forever could not switch or do anything. Now I got the dc timer and lost a pip.
Well maybe you are right but I like to run perks that I have fun with. Im not it would not work but I just want to know how I could counter him with just skill alone.
Well the fact that he is a base speed killer makes it super hard to try and keep distance so trying to leave a loop still results in a m1. I dont really like to run spine chill because in my opinion there is better perks to run. By the time spine chill goes off he is too close to make good distance from his ranged attack.
Well as I say if you don't drop it well then he cancels his power then can just m1 you. Unless you are 50 feet ahead of him he will always have a shot.
Trust me I understand how bad killer is for console but this entire discussion is about survivors. A console killer going against PC survivors I get how that can be unfair because as killer you cant do all the things having a mouse lets us do, but survivor it doesn't really matter the only thing that PC can do better is…
Exactly they are making it out to seem like its totally unplayable against PC. I does not matter what you use so what we get WASD all the buttens you need are right next to your fingers as well. and about us having headphones I know for a fact PS4/Xbox you can connect headphones that are just as good as ours.
Performance maybe but controls? there is a difference sure but you have access to everything control wise same as us just because you have a controller does not mean you cant do the same things as us you can do gens, vault windows, drop pallets same as us.
That's fair to say but i'm not just saying PS4 like 90% of the resent dc's have been crossplay that's why I say console i'm not sure what platform but it is not PC
I do wish other crossplayers could talk to us but other then that you can play against PC players and win I've seen it happen just because we are on another platform does not mean you can no longer win we are hard to play against yes but just giving up does not help any one. If cross play was really that bad then you would…
Then why have crossplay on? And don't say "because we get lobby's faster" because if so then I expect that you would stay for the entire game not for the first 5 mins till you get downed.
Its not that I just say this out of the blue like I said just about every game I play I get a DC and it was only from a console player. Not saying it does not happen with PC players just it happens a lot more when im playing with console. I can see someone doing it if they get tunneled to death hook but they get in a chase…