Forgot to mention: This happened on a plain floor Window on Ironworks of Misery - the same behaviour though is that the survivor vaulted the window "just before" the dog - which can be seen in the video as well.
Same happens on Steam - unfortunatly no video proof here. But what also happend is: Once a survivor passed by that infinitly vaulting dog the dog grabbed the survivor and all was "back to normal" after that.
Looks like it is indeed working as it should. Got Iri Gatekeeper without kicking a Gen but having 5 Gens left (was Bronze before).
Same happens to me - this is Tome 20 only - and it is only if you play the narrator. Also the complete mute and crash only happens if you want to listen to the House of Arkhan. If you turn autoplay of (and don't press play of course) things work normally.
This one is even more fun - yes they got the gate open, but finally all 4 died, Gatekeeper Ash all else Iri.
It seems even worse - we were two survivirs left and 3 gens to go. We popped one - and in fact three gens got completed, so we could open the exit gates and escape. As a killer I had the same issue once - two survivors left - 2 gens popped although one was in chase.
BTW: It did not happen after the 8.0.0 update to me anymore - so maybe it got fixed accidentally.
Same issue is described here:
As this is acknowledged and happened to me today as well - so I roughly lost 2M BPs. Is there any compensation planned for this or can this be "corrected" somehow - so that everyone gets their BPs they should get?
Don't recall that and did not record unfortunately. So indeed I was the last person not in dying state at that time.
No the other one was still alive - not dead at that moment. Has that changed though? Maybe….
UNfortunately if you continue even the game itself stays black - see the screenshot:
The black screeen seems to happen if you get your rift rewards after a game - returning to the lobby renders it black (menus are still there).
Experienced this as well - not always though. In addition I had an issue in the lobby - which went pitch black and I had to exit the game and restart it to get the lobby back.
I can double that. Just had this again on Backwater Swamp, but also on Toba Landing, Coldwind Farm and others.
I have the same issue, but it is just a visual issue - you actually heal yourself (and also finish at some point) - you are just missing the progress.
No,. I played as Nea when I got the achievement (and as Nea as I didn't get it as well).
After doing only great skillchecks in a match and escaping, I got it completed. Probably having the 3 great skillchecks as the last action on gens will get you the success message in the aftergame.
It says 3 consecutive - so 3 in a row - so the reset is fine. Anyways I had the same issue twice now - ingame done - aftermatch not done anymore. I will try to stop repairing gens once I have the 3 consecutive great skillchecks (which is mean to my teammates, but hey - and will report back if that lets you do it.
Just thinking about it - this is ridiculous (unless you exceed the amount of accounts that can do family share). You just create a new account - family share with your main account and the account you actually do family sharing. Now you should have all DLCs back - and the game will never be "blocked" - as the your account…
Well I don't think they want to exclude Stadia accounts again 😊 - and as long as you know it will get fixed things are fine, I believe. I think in these cases it is more important that someone from BHVR does acknowledge this as a bug in the first place. Just my 2cents
It is more if you are queued for a match you cannot watch the cutscenes. As soon as you are not queued anymore you can watch them. I expect the reason is that in case a game is found the cutscene could not cpmplete or there are some other issues with joining the game in that case. So I don't think this is a bug.
I had this myself at least three times as well. Needs some special timing though - I think progress is just not enough that the drop stuns the killer, but the progess when being picked up again is already 100% - so the next skill check does also not trigger the stun, it looks like rather the progress is reset (as I had it…
Well in that case it should not be a Hex at all - as hexes always lose their power once cleansed - so this one would be an exception to the rule - which would not really be consistent.