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  • Since 6.1.0 the game has gone awfully bad balance wise. That patch was the one that brought people dcing and suiciding every match because killers would just decimate entire soloq teams with no effort whatsoever. Now that the escape rate is 40% for survivors, the game feels like there's no hope for a comeback. You either…
  • Larger maps are healthier for the game, but fixing the issues that larger maps had required an effort that the devs did not want to put. And this is not about pallet number or whatever. Maps need clutter that blocks people's view of the map from side to side. If you're able to check the 2 gates in a map at a glance, the…
  • Because being skilled can prevent those gen perks from activating. Being skilled on killer doesn't prevent Distortion from blocking the aura perks. No amount of skill will prevent a Pain Res or a Pop from going off. You're seriously telling us that it's feasible for survivors to not get downed at all out of sheer skill?…
  • I barely played as and against the old Freddy. That was back when I couldn't really play many games with my old PC because it would struggle with anything that wasn't League of Legends. I do have a couple ideas about his power, though. So, you want survivors to be asleep to hit them, right? But also survivors didn't want…
  • "Meant to work" - Not really. Perfect wiggle skill checks used to reduce carry time for 1 second (as in, hitting all of them reduced one single second of total carry time). That's how it was meant to work. But people complained reducing carry time for 1 second was extremely overpowered and that killers were losing…
  • This is probably the only game I know of where one side can decimate and double the enemy team's highest score and still ask for nerfs because something is "too strong".
  • I wouldn't mind the awful escape rate if we were drowning in rewards for playing a game we're expected to lose, but considering I take from 3 to 5 times longer to complete survivor quest compared to a killer quest… Killers get awesome powers, moris, easy challenges that are often things like "kick a gen", "hit a survivor",…
  • It's so interesting seeing people discuss this stuff. When the anti-slugging / insta-mori PTB happened this was an issue and the update had to be canned, but when Billy can do it, it's fine and it's exploiting enemy mistakes. To this day I can't believe the only people risking anything when a slug happens is the survivors…
  • My problem when people say "in a 1v4, the 1 should be the power role" is that they're not counting players, they're counting wins. In a 1v4, if the 1 can kill 2 on average, they're the power role. Because 1 player is stronger than at least 2 of the opposing team players on average. But people don't usually count that as…
  • no cuz survivor is ez an killer outplay dem just leaf teh gen vvhen u here da sound X D git gud Or something. I don't know. Pretending to be a forum killer main gives me a headache.
  • Whenever I play Survivor I'm 99% sure I'm either gonna lose or I get a pity escape or memey killer that will let me go. There is not a single game that I can say I fully enjoyed and both teams were trying their best and both had chances to win and was a constant back and forth. It's aaaaaalways either a stomp or memes. So…
  • Adrenaline is a perk that works and that's what makes it strong. Most survivor perks nowadays are a different flavor of "I'm going to spend the rest of the game at a disadvantage in exchange for marginal gains in the future" like the new Invocation perk, or some aspect of "I'm going to have a weak effect with no drawbacks"…
  • 95% of the remaining community are jaded veterans that can't let this game go and have grown to project their own pessimistic views of the game into everything their rivals do, so nowadays things like survivors letting you get a free hit at the end game is considered toxic instead of some free BPs. This is why there's no…
  • ... isn't this victim blaming? They create a predatory system based on false scarcity and when people dislike it your reply is "Well, don't be human 😂😂😂 Stop having wants and needs. Just because you like a cosmetic doesn't mean you should have it 😋😊😉😆 Next time don't stop playing the game? Or discover it earlier! 🤔😘🤗🙂"
  • Because my opinion leans more into freedom of self expression than on exclusivity and prestige. If I have a character I love and the only cosmetic I like - maybe because it reminds me of my style, maybe because it's my ideal, maybe because it covers a fantasy I find appealing - is a limited release ran from August 7 1994…
  • I think we have different definitions of what "problematic" is. I wouldn't consider survivors bringing 4 offerings and 8 perks for a chance to unhook themselves once throughout the entire trial "problematic". If you're not waiting next to the hook, the value of self unhooking is negligible. Yes, the rest of survivors can…
  • So I'm not crazy when I say the new Invocation perk works very similar to the summoning circles I suggested a year ago for an alternate game mode. They do seem to be taking community feedback this time around - with varying degrees of success, but they're trying at least.
  • Didn't they make it impossible to have everyone remove their traps too fast? I could swear they changed the traps from full random tries to "pick one random trap between the 1-2-3-4 tries traps" every single time.
  • I'm really tired of number perks. "Gen repair 1% faster if you remove each totem in the map", "walk 1% faster while injured if the killer is closer than 2 meters when they swing their weapon", "heal others 75% slower but increase heal speed by 0.5% each 1.5 seconds you spend healing other survivors". Stop that. Give me…
  • I think the extended timer is to reduce edge cases. It hardly ever happens, but I've had a couple of times where leaving immediately to start searching boxes while having the trap that requires the highest amount of tries to disarm would not be enough to search all the boxes you need. It's a once-in-a-blue-moon issue, but…
  • This is actually something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I keep seeing people saying X or Y killer that already has some form of slowdown also needs this and that to help them in chase or at the end game. Yet I find plenty of success by playing fairly easy to play killers with not so many bells and whistles just…
  • The difference between the absolute most used killer and the rarest, least used one is 6%. The difference between the absolute highest kill rate and the lowest kill rate killer is 15%, and the only thing below that is Doctor with a 19% difference because he's plagued with AFK bots. 10% is a lot. It means in 1000 matches,…
  • At which point can we use data to start talking about balance. Either side could have 100% win rate and they would still defend themselves with this nonsense. Surely at some point a high percentage means something is going on.
  • You're saying this as if letting the last survivor go wasn't that common. A killer taking pity on the last player, a killer being friendly, a killer being AFK farming... there's a lot of instances where survivors can get extra escapes where they shouldn't have, and with enough of these, it's pretty easy to skew the data.…
  • People really don't understand the amount of solo players in this game. Since 6.1.0 solo queue has been so painful that I've migrated to playing killer more often. And regardless of how much killers complain each time they get nerfed, I've had a solid 85~ish% kill rate with, like, a couple of unusually hard matches each…
  • I've always said that there needs to be more generators with shorter individual repair times or bonuses for repairing gens together instead of spreading out, but everyone disagrees with me. Doing gens together slows the game down but reduces individual gen time. In my eyes, everyone wins in this scenario. But both the…
  • The only people that play weak killers are OTPs and memers. Killer gets buffed = Try hards migrate to new easy way to get wins. More likely you'll see a Hillbilly, just as likely as before (read: pretty rare) that you find a funny memey Hillbilly. If you ever feel like something that was fun stopped being fun the moment it…
  • You are objectively, numerically, mathematically and historically wrong, but if we can both agree to revert the game pre 6.1.0 I'm going to side with you.
  • There should be a way to mark unsportsmanlike players and put them into a deprioritized queue where toxic people play against each other. Let them fight eachother with their psychological warfare nonsense. I tend to ask for temporary, disciplinary bans, but people keep saying "It's just a GAME!! You take it TOO SERIOUSLY!!…
  • I don't like this argument because it's super easy to flip it around and consider the current situation "Punishing players for not playing with friends". If solo gets buffed in any way to keep up with SWF without buffing SWF, even if the buff makes win rates at the same level across all types of survivor players, you could…
  • I think ever since the hype of this perk died down people are not acknowledging just how insane it is. If the hype of the perk died down it means it isn't as insane as you think it is, otherwise you'd still be seeing it just as often. Just look how difficult it was to get rid of Dead Hard. I'd recommend you use it for…
  • I wouldn't say that "Press button to do nothing!" is a particularly involved and interactive mechanic.
  • I've had those matches, though more frequently pre-6.1.0 than now. Before 6.1.0 I had a good balance of matches that I won and matches that I lost and mostly I felt survivors and killers were roughly at the same skill level. Unless some bs "strategy" popped up, like face camping or tunneling, matches were kinda fun. Since…
  • If their new strategy for timed cosmetics is exploiting FOMO for a year before permanently adding them to the shop I'm not that against it. FFXIV does the same and everyone seems to be okay with it.
  • Maybe what Myers needs is the old map lighting. Can't we all just agree to bother BHVR until they revert the lighting? Survivors want it, low-tier killers benefit from it and it pisses off high tier killers because it's harder for them to track survivors at Mach 20. Literally everybody wins.
  • The cat and mouse games you play in this mode are so fun. And I like tracking the blood instead of relying purely on scratch marks. Scratch marks are a mechanic that I kinda hate because they make bloodstains and pain groans redundant. It feels like there's 7 different ways for killers to track survivors that scream…
  • Killers are playing Lights Out and it shows. Survivor queues used to be instantaneous and for the duration of the event I've been having to wait between 30 seconds to a minute
  • I equip Jolt, eh, I mean Surge because I click and people die and also gens regress. 0 thoughts, only profit.
  • It doesn't require a minigame though. It makes you think you're gonna escape faster if you press the ever-shrinking skill check (which it used to), but in the end all it does is lightly push the killer to the side sometimes. Makes about as much sense as the old spamming space on death hook: if it's gonna do nothing in your…
  • I honestly think it wasn't a bad concept. They just needed some sort of scaling recovery speed for survivors depending on how many are on the ground, and maybe a Kill / Mercy trigger for killers that wanted to spare the last survivor. Most new mechanics BHVR tries to implement into the game tend to suck because they never…
  • Today, three times, actually. Haven't seen twins in literal months though, and honestly, I'm not complaining.
  • On what kind of alternate universe do I live then. I play killer for easy BP because solo survivors just die whenever I'm nearby. I've faced only a small handful of premades in months grinding passes as killer and even they risk it too hard to save one player to the point they end up killing themselves. Like, you get…
  • This would be an amazing counter argument if survivors were also able to heal hook states, but as it is, it's just a flimsy excuse. Survivors need to finish a generator to lock their progress, whereas killers just need to hook people once and their progress is already locked. Moreover, survivors finishing gens lowers the…
  • Personally I think the [Killer + 4 Survivors /vs/ Killer + 4 Survivors] would do A LOT to heal the community's skewed views of the opposing role. Perhaps it could open a more civil conversation after all the "Why is it that the enemy killer gets a 4 SWFs every time and I constantly get babies that heal in the corner"…
  • How about Luck giving a % chance of triggering random perk effects? So, it could increase unhook chance, increase item rarity and maybe even having a chance to give add-ons on looted items, as people suggested... but also, how about every 10/20 seconds you have a small % chance of triggering an effect like totem aura…
  • Just change it to "The closest generator being repaired gives anyone working on it an 8% gen repair speed while you're in chase" There, I made it global and limited its effect to a single generator so you don't get 3 different gens going at an increased 8% speed.
  • "What you proposed to add a disadvantage to people playing in SWFs (didn't specify duos, tris, or the full team) which IS punishing playing with friends (you can word it all you like, but this IS what it is). As others have pointed out numerous times, that's gonna go poorly. While we love a good experiment, we don't think…
  • That's roughly 8 matches a day if we assume 100 contributors. Going off SteamCharts alone, DBD has at least 50k active players. And this doesn't count epic or other platforms. So yes, "like 20 players". Or in other words, a drop in a bucket.
  • Can you guys stop using nightlight as your source. There's like 20 people uploading their matches there and most of them only upload their losses against premades to prove a point. Back when BHVR said kill rate was 55% nightlight was already off. Not even the highest kill rate killers were tiered correctly when comparing…