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  • Totally not a spirit main with devour what...?? I LOVE her mori!
  • I just realised I sounded like such a bi* ** ! I wasn’t meant to come across that way lol, but yeah I get you. It’s just so hard to reply to so many responses and when I have to repeat myself it’s like ohhhh whyyy..
  • Yayyy I’m happy I could agree and see your side! I love hearing other people’s arguments..
  • Your point about difficult skill checks and having your key break is a totally one sided mechanic though. Then think about backwards skillchecks with doctor, skill check shortening perks. Very silly thought tbh.
  • You’ve basically repeated what someone else has said, so I really cba to type it all again, but yes they need to rework the idea. Basically.
  • I don’t see the point of dcing. I love a good mori, makes the games more fun lol
  • I like that mechanic idea of how keys can be used. I’d vote for that :)
  • Yes but the challenges would still need to be changed. I don’t see killers getting challenges for moris lmao (within the rift).
  • I play as killer and luckily for me I’ve never had the issue with keys, hence why I’m curious hehe.. and yes they do shorten it, which technically means if moris have been changed then keys have to be too. But within reason, if moris can no longer prematurely end the game then I do agree keys shouldn’t be able to. Spawn…
  • See I don’t actually mind any of those ideas. Except if hatch is spawning when all gens or last survivor is alive. Then hatch challenges within the rift shouldn’t be a thing since the killers don’t have mori ones
  • I’d happily have your idea, if hatch challenges were removed from survivor challenges since there are no killer mori challenges except for daily ones.
  • I’m seeing people’s ideas, but how would you personally make them more balanced? i also want this in responses instead of “they’re unbalanced “
  • I’ve never said about removing keys myself so don’t twist people’s arguments and words. I’ve clearly said that I’ve seen threads about people wanting them gone, and I’m curious to know why. A rework is perfect, but some people’s ideas are just too one sided. I agree they need a re work, yes, but what I’m also asking for is…
  • We can agree to disagree, they need a change, but they are not broken. Harder to find in chests, 80% rarer in the bloodweb, and perhaps change the mechanic of purple keys. But making keys the same as moris and completely ridding them of “prematurely ending the game” then means that there should no longer be challenges such…
  • So, all 5 gens have to be powered for hatch to spawn at all? Seems a little one sided. And would thus make achievements/ challenges to do with hatch much harder, but hmm would add a challenging side I suppose..
  • And I’m saying that sucks, but what changed do you propose to the key/hatch to make it balanced?
  • I think it’s a great idea that can be expanded upon in the future if needed. And aura reading keys are literally limited time object which is so helpful.
  • If that’s gonna be the case then moris and keys might as well be completely removed. So yes, in theory.
  • Yes but no. youre saying about ending the game prematurely, yet in most of my games I’m with 3 man or a duo team, and we still have to do gens and stuff to get hatch to spawn. I barely ever find keys in chests, but I think that could possibly be removed. But saying they can only be used when hatch is shut or when all gens…
  • Read my other comment where I’ve included possible changes. You can’t be mad at a game mechanic and just be like “ broken, must be removed. “ I want solid suggestions of what people can do with the hatch or key mechanic to make it more balanced. Read my other comment to see possible ideas :)
  • But in order for the hatch to spawn, the survivors have to do the generators which is actually their main objective anyway? It’s a two way street. Look at my other comment about possible changes :)
  • That’s a pretty good idea. I think that they need to be rarer in the bloodweb too.
  • Keys are not broken, they’re nowhere near broken. they need a small nerf, for moris you now have to get another hook. look at my other comment with possible ideas.
  • Agree but disagree, keys need a small nerf but they are nowhere near broken like some people claim
  • I don’t need petty, unhelpful responses, if you’re doing that in my threads just leave, thanks. :)
  • Then change keys, but look at my comment on the same thread. The one with 1-4 different ideas.
  • Okay read my other comments about the keys and ways they can be changed. It’s in this same thread, let me know :)
  • But getting rid of keys would mean getting rid of Moris for one. I personally think that you shouldn’t be able to get keys mid game from chests. There should be a timer for opening hatch, up to 10 seconds Only pink keys can open hatch, Purple ones be used for auras/add ons only. Or make all blood web keys like 80% rarer.
  • they aren’t completely unbalanced though? Sure they need a little change, such as said above, go take a peak instead of repeating the same thing.
  • But the removal of keys as a whole which is what a lot of people want seems so drastic to me? I agree they should be nerfed. adding a timer, so 10 seconds to completely open the hatch. no timer but the person with the key can escape but it shuts straight after. change the mechanics of purple keys to be used for add on…
  • I can understand that frustration, but would you say that they should make pink keys more rare, then change the purple keys to being 20 seconds but they can no longer open hatch and instead can be used as aura reading ones etc? Because removing keys completely wouldn’t be fair unless mori’s were removed as well really.
  • Now it all makes sense, you stole all the keys and that’s why I never find one. But in all seriousness 3 gens means 2 survivors can escape. And 9/10 the killer has the chance of finding the hatch whilst patrolling generators? They still have to do gens to get to that point. If people are saying 3 gens are easy then make…
  • But keys aren’t unbalanced though? If it’s a swf team then they have to do all gens for the hatch to spawn anyway? Therefore there’s plenty of time to outplay them, hook one, slug one etc. Nothing wrong with that..
  • I definitely agree that it should take a few seconds in order to open it as it would then be more balance instead of a cheap way.
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