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  • Ah, yes. A survivor main is complaining about Killers having a powerful Perk combo that makes it so they can't get "gg ez" wins every game. I personally stopped playing this broke *** game a little while back but still watch YouTubers/Streamers like OhTofu, Monto, and Otz. But back on topic, Killers have had to deal with…
  • Here's an easy and logical fix for DS. Make it so that if a survivor goes down before you during that 40/50/60 seconds, it deactivates. The Killer clearly isn't tunneling if they downed another survivor. "Oh, but what if they down someone right after I get unhooked?" That's simple. Don't unhook in the Killer's face, idiot.…
  • And neither do Survivor mains. The only people with their heads on straight in this community are the people who play both sides equally.
  • Corrupt doesn't pause Gen Regression, Dude. And if it somehow does, then someone hacked the game to allow the currently blocked Gen to be worked on. Corrupt only blocks 3 Gens for the first 2 minutes (at rank 3) of any match.
  • The only time I've went against him was when I wasn't as good at the game. Though I did also say (or well, implied it) that I hate going against Doctor more. Also, I'd say Legion and Bubba are worse. Though in Bubba's case it's just the player that is worse, since the few times I've gone against Bubba, they all face camped…
  • I rarely go against over half the cast of Killers. The only ones I ever encounter frequently are Legion, Trapper, and Spirit. Though I have gone against every killer at least once. I guess my favorite would be Oni or Demogorgon. I only went against one Oni and he was bad, and the few Demos I see are rather easy to deal…
  • "I'm not sure why Killers feel so entitled for a 4K". How is that any different from Survivors feeling entitled to escape? Slugging for the 4K isn't bad. Sure, it can be boring to wait out the timer, but the Killer is simply doing their role in the game: Kill the survivors. I personally play both sides, so I've both done…
  • I still to this day find it strange how Survivor's are fine with running super strong, Meta Perks like DS, Dead Hard, Adrenaline, etc., but the instant a Killer uses NOED, they all lose their [BAD WORD]. Is NOED annoying to deal with? Yes. It is. I myself am guilty for complaining about it. But I also complain about a…
  • The Huntress would like to know your location. The Nurse would also like to know your location. I know the Nurse cant actually attack you from all the way across the map, but she can easily just Blink up to you and give you and smack. Also, Trapper definitely doesn't need any nerfs. He honestly could use a few buffs. Also…
  • Or maybe he put Myers in C because his thoughts on Myers is that he's generally weak? And because MM eats pallets a lot, has no extra mobility options, and if you're going against competent Survivors on even a balanced map for Killer/Survivor, they can put a huge delay on you getting out of Tier 1. The OP did say it's his…
  • I rarely got to use Ruin outside of using Hag since I didn't play the game enough. So the change doesn't really effect me much. And nowadays since I just came back after a hiatus to try out new Doc, I've been running new Ruin on Doc and it's actually worked wonders for me. I'm able to constantly pressure Survivors and all…
  • So here's my opinion on Survivor Meta Perks -Make DS disable if the following occur: You started a self-heal action, you started working in a Gen, You started doing an altruistic action such as unhooking or healing an ally, and it disables if a Survivor is hit outside of a 16 meter range from your current location. -For…
  • That seems... Quite broken. 32 meters is WAY too far of a range for the block, given the fact Killers already move much slower while carrying Survivors and it's the entire range of most Killers TRs. Only allowing a Killer to have 1 second is a bit broken too because if any other Survivor even walks in front of the Killer,…
  • What would it matter if that guy was on his Red Rank account or not? He still would've got t-bagged and Mori'd. So that was a very hollow threat just trying to make him sound big and bad. And the other story gave me a laugh. Too bad Survivor mains can be [Bad word]s. I don't play the game enough to really say for Killers,…
  • They can penalize Killers for tunnelling and camping as soon as Survivors gets penalized for gen-rushing. I play both sides, so I get that tunnelling and camping are annoying to go against. But if a Killer is camping you, then they don't really benefit from it either. If you maximize it, you total hook time should be 2…
  • I don't really care to get good at the game, nor have I ever for any other game. I personally would like to be Rank 20 again just so I can get some of the more difficult/tedious achievements and Tome Challenges. I play games to have fun. If I win, cool. If I lose, I generally don't care if the game was fun. As for the…
  • Keys, in my opinion, are the closest equivalent to a Ebony or Ivory Mori (not Cypress cuz that only becomes available for the last living Survivor who was dead if they got downed regardless). Mori's let the Killer remove a Survivor from the game extremely early, and Keys let the Survivor escape from the trial early. And…
  • Here's the thing. Does the Trapper's add-on to auto-set a trap give Survivors a warning before the trap right in front of them auto-sets itself? No. Does Myer's give you a heads up that he's about to plunge a knife (or pipe) into your abdomen? No. Does Spirit give you a way to know she's tracking your blood via Glasses…
  • I agree that DS needs to be changed. If another Survivor is downed before the 60 seconds is up, then DS should deactivate. The Perk is meant for anti-tunnelling. And if someone else goes down, then the DS user isn't being tunnelled. As for BT, I don't personally mind it. I run PWYF a lot, so that just gives me an extra…
  • Honestly, I don't mind getting DS'd. I'll just eat it and Chase them again to punish them for their teammate going for a bad save. I'm either too far away for DS to be needed or I get the occasional "unhook as soon as I turn around". Or I've also had a few times at Endgame while I ran Rancor. DS is quite annoying, but it's…
  • You literally said in the OP that BL needs a buff. Also, if you want to use the "it doesn't balance your landing so blah blah blah", then NOED should just instantly kill all Survivors. Otherwise it doesn't do as the name says "No One Escapes Death". I've seen plenty of Survivors, myself included, escape death while NOED…
  • Here's the thing, Killers have their insurance Perk in the form of NOED and maybe Blood Warden (but that's a stretch). While Survivors have Dead Hard, Adrenaline, Sprint Burst, Balanced Landing, Lithe, Borrowed Time, Mettle of Man, and Decisive Strike all as insurance Perks, and they also have the Purple Insta-Heal add-on…
  • This is extremely rare. A topic that both Killer AND Survivor mains can agree on. Also, it is going to be hell on Earth for Survivors since so many Killers will be running NOED.
  • I found that, now I might just be crazy, but the cooldown for hitting a Pallet with Demo's Shred just feels too long. Billy and Bubba can break them in an instant and get moving, and currently Oni just slaps it and starts moving like the Pallet was never there to begin with. But then Demo's Shred recovery is as long as…
  • Well if that's the case, then every other Killer needs a Nerf to their power. There's no counterplay to Clown after I've been hit by his gas. The only escape would be to either take the hit or use map awareness to know "Hey, I'm right next to a window" and vault it. There's no counter to Myer's when he's staring at me and…
  • I had a really fun time earlier with DS. Whole team had DS and I had Rancor. End of the game, I had one guy on the hook, then my Obsession came and saved them. I downed and Mori'd my Obsession. Then I went to find the remaining two Survivors. I found one, downed and hooked them and went to find the last Survivor. They…
  • So, here's my 2 sense. BBQ can be countered by a non-Perk game mechanic (Lockers). While Distortion doesn't ONLY counter BBQ, but it also counters any other Aura Reading done by the killer. This includes The Plague's add-on to see vomiting survivors, I'm All Ears, Dear Stalker, Myer's mirror add-ons, and probably more that…
  • Maybe for In the Dark, it could be like, 2 Survs at tier 1 and all 4 at tier 3, similar to Third Seal. And/or maybe the perk has a timer on it, and each tier increases how long it lasts? Say 60/70/80 seconds(?) For the people it's spread to. For Underperform, maybe the time required is reduced so like, 150/145/140 or…
  • Here's the thing though. If the Killer is doing badly and can't get a down, then the perk is useless. No map pressure means Gens get done, which would reset the perk. And if the Killer has a ton of pressure (say two downs/hooks and a Chase) then the perk is still pretty useless because he's already in a great spot and…
  • As someone who just recently picked up the Spirit, I can wholeheartedly agree that Spirit needs some kind of change. I'm not generally that good as Killer (despite somehow getting to Rank 12), and managed to get a (nearly) Perfect game (32,000 BP and Double Pipped) on every one of my first few (my first 5) public games (at…
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