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  • I really should dedicate some time looking at the wiki to see who's who and what's what in the realm. But shoutout my #1 trans rep Tubarão and my #1 lady crush Haddie 💜
  • I feel like gen speeds are alright on their own, but there's too many things affecting them. Killers even after this next patch will have plenty of slowdown options and survivors (especially with the upcoming Invocation buff and bardic inspiration) have plenty of speed increases to use
  • To make an unnecessary connection, Skull Merchant is the Brigitte(Overwatch) of DbD. A character so brain numbingly easy and broken on release, no matter how many times shes nerfed, buffed, reworked, whatever, she'll always have that negative stigma and be hated till the end of time.
  • I get what they're saying but also some perks just feel handmade for some powers. Thanataphobia on Legion/Plague, Sloppy Butcher on Oni/Wraith. And on the opposite end some powers make some perks meaningless. A killer with an instadown power or Nurse wont want to bring perks that Expose survivors because they can already…
  • Was kinda hoping for some big anniversary stream reveal and not just....DnD twitter randomly dropping it on a thursday afternoon. Imagine if 4 days before the 4th anniversary stream Konami just tweeted "Oh yeah Pyramid Head's coming to DbD have fun tune in to find out more info"
  • Oh damn, I forgot it's 5 seconds of it. It might not be as great with flashlight or even pallet saves, but being able to have a 5 second Sprint Burst to run over to a hook and sabotage might be an issue, especially with swf
  • I guess people would have to really try, either with Vigil or swf with multiple people running it. And at that point it'd be no different than old BGP exhaustion. Plus it's a PTB, who knows what'll go through or not
  • Yeah, wanted to be optimistic but when I saw "potential fix" I knew damn well I'd still be rubber banding for a while