thats not how its supposed to work, the obsession has to TAKE DAMAGE OR CHANGE HEALTH STATES i dont know why people have a hard time understanding this. Hitting a m2 that doesnt deal damage removing stacks is a bug and not intentional, and the play with your food part you misunderstood, pinhead loses 2 stacks of play with…
That is the thing, you are thinking in terms of "this single chain is not giving me immediate value" the thing I have recognized from playing pinhead is its not always about the value from a single chain, that comes from close-range engagement, sometimes it's about hitting a first chain to slow them down and set you up for…
oh hey that's me :D and yea this video is a perfect example of what I'm talking about, team misery is not a bad comp team in fact they are normally quite high on comp setting leaderboards when playing in tourneys, and the fact I performed as well against them without corrupt and without impaling wire and original pain just…
I think he is overhated, I love pinhead even in solo q, I just hate that many of them resort to tunneling and proxy camping when they cant hit the possessed chain and turn a fun killer into a boring one. Fun pinheads use their m2 which is a lot easier to dodge then people think, however a good pinhead is something ive also…
there is though, I have nearly 0 issues with this minus a handful of loops example being the warden's office in Lerrys, and a few other locations on the map. The reward is there but most people expect simply hitting the chain to be a free hit, its not you have to think about your own movement and your own place of the…
actually as of right now he is pretty bug free minus the plot twist interaction which isnt really a bug but should be changed, and the bug involving the locker grab which may or may not also be kind of fixed right now from my testing, they patched him pretty good as of the Halloween update
he absolutely does not, his m2 is very powerful people just send the m2 head-on in chase and expect that to be enough its not you have to think about when and where you are launching the chain and the angle, something Ive come to master on pinhead. Its not something an average player is going to be good at doing and should…
oh boy this is quite the post and I couldn't disagree harder so here we go. So let me start by saying pinhead is a high skill level killer, I am a p100 pinhead with probably 1500+ hours of actual raw gametime on him, and if you are having issues such as chains breaking too easily on him then you are not using the m2…
bump still no answer to this bug but had a very good showcase off it on otz's stream today when he had me play pinhead for him.
hahahah no as a killer main I actually enjoy SWF teams they put up more of a fight and I end up getting more points as a whole and feels more rewarding when I win. The counter point might be "well i don't want to play against SWF" then go play customs or play another video game. SWF has and always will be part of this game…
I just hope whatever you guys are doing, its meaningful since a lot of people have put in the time and effort over the years to max a lot of people, that's why a lot of people are nervous its not a skin or something like that.
whats next? your going to complain that that getting 320000 bps from a match is unfair and there should be no perks at all? ok dude
you people are so goofy, maybe learn to play against billy and it wont be a problem, pro tip, learn to play windows and he cant chainsaw you ;) if you go down to his chainsaw its 100% your fault
this is the stupidest thing ive ever heard for this game this isnt even input just shut up please