Make the choices more impactful in-game. I don't know how to explain it.
Kizuati, I like this change that you are proposing. Great job!
InvadeGames, the chainsaw can break pallets. Yes, I believe that you can still get stunned with the pallet while doing a chainsaw sweep. However, you can't directly sweep through the pallet for a down. Bubba has to break the pallet first, then rev up his chainsaw once again to down the survivor. Bamboozle is another perk…
You constantly should be threatening survivors with the chainsaw. Ideally, you want to always force the survivor to get downed instantly or drop the pallet. In addition, find that sweet spot where you are a bit close behind a survivor in a loop. InvadeGames, Bubba shouldn't be too close that the survivor can stun you, but…
Getting at least 1 kill minimum should be easy. You should remember to break chase if the survivor is in a strong area or the survivor is a good looper. Smart killers will actively target the weak links in the survivor team and leave the strong links for later. Creating dead zones near generators are also very important as…
SwampDaddy, look at a wall or away from a survivor looking for the flashlight save. Slugging can be a good tactic as well if the person with the flashlights is a little bit greedy. However, if you truly despise flashlights, use Lightborn. Avoiding flashlights shouldn't be hard!
Killer is not unplayable. Killers can still succeed.