It's a survival game for goodness sakes. The game doesn't constitute that any of the other survivors have to help you. Sure they get rewarded when they do it it's not a requirement depending on how the other players want to carry out their match. Also as a survivor , your main objective not...get ..caught.
It's just the HUD, not such a big deal to gripe about. It doesn't change the way the game is being played.. Anyone who could complain about such a low priority feature doesn't deserve to play video games.
I'll add you. Flesh__God is my screen name with 2 underscores
I'll add you! Flesh__God (2 underscores)
Let's gooo! Screen name : Flesh__God (2 underscores)
Add me , I'm on PS4 . Screen name: Flesh__God
Add me, Flesh__God ;My profile picture is the Red Power Ranger. I would like to play co-op too. I've prestiged one killer 3X now I want to work on my survival game.