There was this one game where i spawned as a survivor RIGHT next to another survivor. The first 7 seconds of the game: a billy charged across the map, chainsawed the survivor i spawned with, i yelled as loud as i could in rl, and a chainsaw rev later i was instantly down. Scariest moment of my dbd career... There was no…
That will still make Legion addon dependent though. It needs to be a balance between base strength and added strength like perks and addons.
That will still make Legion addon dependent though. It needs to be a balance between base strength and added strength like perks and addons.
I think Legion needs a few tweaks here and there... i think hes not the best, but fine overall. What i suggest would be a good balancing for Legion would be the following: Adjust his hitbox so when you vault over a pallet, you can 100% block a survivor from running back at you and vaulting over the other side. Most of the…
I can agree with that, i think a good killer should be perfectly fine without the use of addons, or as we all like to say "not addon dependent".
I think an important thing people are talking about is the concept of adaptation. When playing Legion, if you know for a fact that survivors wont heal, and wont group up, then adapt to your situation. You can always bring Cold Dirt (Fatigue down) and Susie's Mix Tape (Frenzy Speed) for a more aggressive Legion. Just like…
By all means, come on over if you want to talk about this more: The long story short of it is this: Duration and Speed are the best addons for any situation. I would bring frenzy cool down, and mend time increase for…
Whenever you hit a survivor. Your power bar should be empty. When you apply deep wounds, it resets your bar instead. Use that logic to go and determine what combination of actions would result in a reset or a power bar loss. Hope this helps ;)