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  • Solo Survivors need some love! Integrated Kindred when you are solo would help a lot. Or you could give a small Bloodpoint bonus. There are many things you could do to make the solo experience a bit better. It's weird that they haven't tried anything even after so many years.
    in Time to quit Comment by Fruchy June 2022
  • The grind has just been reduced from insane to very high. The problem is with every new chapter the grind increases again and will soon be again at insane levels, only this time we won't have BBQ and WGLF for extra Bloodpoints.
  • Locker blinds should be removed, they mainly benefit SWF, which are already very strong. As a SoloQeue nobody ever flashlight saved me when i was in a locker.
  • Apparently killers getting bullied by swfs with constant flashlight clicking, tbagging all match, making the match as miserable as possible, then in the after game chat getting "gg ez" "baby killer" "noob" "learn to play" is not considered toxic in any way, these are just things in the game... Interesting take BHVR, i…
  • Nerf the duration to 50 seconds. It's only a minor nerf and should be fine. It can only be used once per match. Some survivors don't even use it. I don't. It's not really about DS, it's just a good SWF is already annoying and DS is just the cherry on top because they are using it agressively like staying on gens close to…
  • Game over after 2:26 minutes is unacceptable, no matter how you argue against it. Just imagine killers like Trapper, you wouldn't even have time to setup some traps. Sorry, but people saying Freddy played badly and they don't see anything wrong with the match, i cannot take seriously. It's very easy to adjust game balance…
  • Being tunneled out of the game and hopping into the next match is still better than getting slugged all day long.
  • They think its funny to try to Kobe right in my face. I think its funny when i just leave them on the hook and go back to the gen. Win Win - Everybody is having fun :3
  • Is this satire? Last time i checked this is survival horror game where people get brutally murdered just to entertain the Entity. We cannot even joke about an item name being changed?
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