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  • When can we expect to see the first live dedicated servers? around late August?
  • @DaS_only Shrines could use a rework, but I believe the devs resources should be elsewhere for the time being. It isn't too difficult to get a character to level 40 and the DLCs aren't that pricey so with a few payments, you can have all the dlcs in like a month or two if you just got the game.
  • Ghost Face isn't bad he is easily High Tier and is surely playable at rank 1 with the right perks. I can say this because majority of my games are pips and the rest are black pips. Not saying he is nurse or anything but the hotfix that was released was meant to be released with the PTB Ghost Face and weren't based off of…
  • I'd say that he only needs number tweaks to be better. Just like a faster sprint, because if a team is organized you can't get 2 people in deep wound with no addons
  • @LonlyGamerX I feel like you went on a rant just over the fact that some people are saying that Freddy is going to be bad. To be honest, this Freddy looks a lot more fun to play and to play against. He certainly has a possibility to be high tier or high mid tier depending on what people do with him. Most of the issues that…
  • @anarchy753 I personally find Ghost Face pretty good at red ranks and the fact that a majority of my games are 4Ks with no add-ons proves that he is playable at rank 1 with proper mind games and red glow tricks. Ghost Face is no nurse or spirit but he is definitely not bad. In terms of placement he is around high Mid tier…
  • Any plans to make legion a stronger killer, because he is still on the weaker side of killers?
  • Do you plan to buff legion’s frenzy in any ways? With his new update he is just worse than the spirit in every way.
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