Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Survivors genrush because there is no fun or reward in "looping" many of the newer killers. Why would a team of 4 team loop shack against a nemesis, or any other "Free hit" AI killer when windows and pallets don't mean anything? Better to just win as fast as possible and hope for a more fun killer next match. Even more so…
  • Exactly.
  • Old ruin honestly made gens more interactive/fun/skill based. You aren't guaranteed a gen pop, and must struggle for it along with your team. Sure eventually you learn to hit every single great check but the tension from knowing you might not hit it just feels different and better than "I walk to gen and get free pressure"…
  • Old Freddy was such a unique, fun killer and he had his own playstyle/techniques to control the map. I agree 100%. Nurse, Freddy, Billy, Even doctor all seem to have their fun watered down now.
  • Personally, I would deal with all that to have old billy back. And window blocking existed around the time I am speaking of. Day 1 2016 DBD isn't fun because the looping playstyle wasn't set up to be balanced yet. That happened later when they added window blocking, bloodlust, and slow vaults. Before healing was nerfed…
  • Survivor queue times are so long because all the good killers quit when they started pandering the game to people like you. I didn't mean dbd 1.0 in my original post, patch 1.9 to 2.0 is what I was speaking of. Pallets? Nurse, Huntress, and Billy could and did just fine back then. Even leatherface and doctor could be…
  • Starbreeze owned the license on the game until patch 2.0 I believe. Around that time.
  • Old DBD was so much more fun and skill based on both sides. Of course not counting the cheese strategies, items or perks but the base game absolutely. Everything about DBD before BHVR took over was perfect, as soon as BHVR came in we got fortnite-like graphics, unskilled gameplay, and endless nerfs to survivors while…
  • Ranking up isn't based on skill in chase or gen pressure or anything related to what makes a good player. Ranking up is farming a teammate twice and sitting on a gen while your teammates are slugged. You can rank up without ever once running from the killer or using a pallet. Same goes for killer, camp and tunnel 2 people…
  • Show killer ping in lobby so you know exactly how early you need to press dead hard. Your ping + Killer ping = Minimum time you must press dead hard before killer presses m1.
  • General Killer: -More BP for facing a swf. Acknowledged post game. -Rework Blindness effect. Only serves to harm solo survivors and does nothing to players on coms. Could prevent seeing skillchecks except for the great section. Knockout could be changed as well. -FOV Slider with a max of current shadowborn. Shadowborn and…
  • Most people don't even pay attention to what they are doing to survivors. It's just becoming based around rank 10 players having a 50/50 chance of escaping, while anyone above or below is screwed. It's not about them keeping broken things in the game for survivor and killer, it's about what they remove from survivor while…
  • They gut survivor movement the same as they gut Billy animations. Survivor perks like his addons. Pallets etc. It's like anything that took skill or was unique is unwanted in this game and replaced with cruise control playstyles and a no-thinking meta.
  • Most Billys I know don't really tunnel or camp, they're just trying to relive what they put thousands of hours into. So good survivors will escape at a decent rate, like they always have against billys. Or they are new to the game, can't use his saw and everyone gets out anyways. To me, he is still the funnest killer in…
  • Where is the skill? You don't hit anything just by spamming it, he doesn't have auto aim like wraith spirit etc. "If Billy uses his saw I go down" The kind of thinking the people who didn't like Billy had. 1v1 me if you think he is so easy to use. And we can do it without overheat.
  • 5.5 seconds of time to gain distance isn't enough for you? Actually having a power you have to aim isn't enough? This is exactly what I mean when I talk about rank 10 players, they aren't abusing his cooldown, they aren't dodging or sidestepping, they are just whining they can't pre-throw and hide against him to win games.…
  • Ok, maybe you can farm a teammate twice in a game and do a gen, big deal. Regardless, if you think "Billy had too little drawbacks" you didn't know how to play against him. If he misses a saw go to a new loop, if he bumps you get even more time. Billy already had a cooldown but you think he needs 2?
  • "The Cannibal was one of our less-popular Killers, so we are pushing to lessen some of the character's weaknesses while chasing Survivors"-BHVR They nerfed Billy because Bubba wasn't selling enough. Was the license complaining? Or are we just too focused on auto aim 5 chance m1 killers like blight to care about the…
  • Survivors like this had no clue on how to counter Billy. They think it took no skill to down them, weird because they've obviously never played Billy themselves. If you couldn't loop old billy, sorry to say but you are bad at the game. You could even loop an insta saw billy if you used your brain hard enough. It's sad that…
  • Tunneling is a valid strategy! Unless they are wearing the pride charm then it is harassment. Nice one BHVR.
  • The first rule of dwight club is...
  • I just hope they announce a hillbilly buff and general health update after this licensed chapter. Or hopefully it is included in this chapter.
  • Dead hard gives you like 2 or 3 meters of distance... People overexaggerate. And I never said "bait it out" because there are situations where you can't. That's why you don't follow survivors like a lost puppy and think about where they are headed IF they could dead hard. Bloodlust is free distance in chase for doing…
  • The game isn't "poorly optimized". Unreal engine 4 allows heaps of optimizations, more than many other game engines out there today. You could get this game to run at 60 fps on a laptop if you had the ability to edit the configs. The problem is BHVR trying to make the game look realistic, so they lock certain UE4 config…
  • No it doesn't need a valid reason. Many people are selfish and do it "Because I can" or "Why should I care" or "I play this multiplayer game like a single player game"... probably some of the most childish killers out there. Have fun getting gen-rushed when people learn how to properly beat those strategies, so you can…
  • I'm tired of killers abusing auto aim and latency and not having to actually think about where they are swinging. Then they whiff because someone uses a perk to counter this very problem, that's been in the game since Starbreeze owned the license and go complaining. Killers back then didn't complain anywhere near as much…
  • Myers loses all collision for a few moments when stalking. You could've been blocking it perfectly but doesn't matter.
  • I always thought it was 10% but I guess it's 5%, still not bad of a perk if you can hit them. And its not 0.32 seconds it's 0.8 seconds since the bonus progress isn't halved.
  • You can heal yourself just as fast as a teammate can if you can hit great skill checks. Self care alone, you need to hit 3 or 4 greats to heal regular speed. With botany knowledge only 1 or 2. Self care is decent alone, and incredibly strong with botany knowledge. Not only are you saving time when you heal a teammate, you…
  • I'm a Billy main that relaxes with playing solo survivor(More survivor after his nerf). As killer I'm an amazing sport, never tunneling or camping just going for curves and fun, never had a game where I came out upset at anything but collisions and hitboxes. Never going into a game expecting to win or lose. Will throw the…
  • I also have been having massive ping issues. I used to run about 20-40 ping, but recently im hard-capped around 100. Wired connection, nobody else using internet etc etc. I miss P2P, at least you could see how bad of a game you were getting yourself into.
  • The data shows that if killers are going to tunnel you to death, they will do it regardless of how strong of an "anti-tunnel" perk you use with similar success rates.
  • Maybe if the devs made well balanced skill-based characters instead of trash killers that weren't worth paying for, they wouldn't have to ruin their original content to force players into buying new content? You're a lunatic if you think ruining 1 character to get people who've played them since the beginning to change…
  • Any time I play against a Billy I won't even try to do gens and i'll spend all game seeing how well he can curve. If he's good and I die and get hooked I come back for round 2 and round 3 immediately. If they're chasing someone else and get a nice saw/curve I t-bag the guy who got downed. Always fun against Billy even if…
  • Billy would give survivors 5.5 seconds of free time when spamming his power. He moved at 100% ms when doing so, was stunned if you missed, and you could dodge his power. I don't see why this means bad wraiths should get to spam their power for free hits when their drawbacks aren't anywhere as bad. And you can use charge…
  • Exactly, which is why there should be a system in place to punish those who do. That exact argument was what got billy his cooldown.
  • Wraith can spam his power at loops. Wraith has charge time addons. He is just old Billy with half damage but guaranteed hits/pallet drops. He needs a huge nerf if Billy sets the standard for what a killers power should be. Remove his charge time addons, remove his braindead auto-aimed lunge, remove the ability to spam his…
  • Dead hard should be nerfed as soon as they remove auto aim from M1 killers. It's only seen as oppressive because killers rely on blindly lunging and spinning their mouse around for a free hit with no aiming at all. Survivors have 3 ways to protect themselves...Pallets, windows, and movement. Devs have already made it easy…
  • Spirit just needs to scream like Billy when starting her power.
  • The best way to play Billy is only M1 if they are vaulting a window, your chainsaw baits out dead hard most of the time so even against injured people it's a good idea. He is the hardest killer to play in the game, so you will lose a lot of games before you start to see improvements if you try to play him correctly. It's…
  • Its not toxic but it is a terrible idea, tunneling someone out of the game when a key exists only makes it easier for them to escape. By the time you get a kill enough gens should have popped to spawn hatch unless they aren't playing smart. Then you have to guard the dropped key or focus on the last gen, lose lose unless…
  • "Who thought it would be a good idea to nerf Billy?"
  • You're 100% right. Billy doesn't deserve 4 mechanics punishing him for using his saw. Cooldown, Bump State, Overheat and Hitboxes/Aim Dressing/Shape of Loops. They could have just adjusted the pre-existing punishments, but chose to make them worse and also add a new punishment for using his power. His power was already the…
  • A lot of people will confuse what you are saying with actually throwing the hatchet or using the saw. Huntress and Billy share the same ability to hold their power at loops... or used to. Huntress doesn't drop a hatchet and lose it if she holds it for too long, she can hold one the entire game if she wants. Billy will lose…
  • It would be weird of them to absolutely demolish Billy because of 1 or 2 charge time addons, just to add a reduced charge time mechanic to his base kit. Devs have stated they will not remove overheat... maybe they forgot he already has a cooldown for hit and missed saws, a drawback for holding his power(100% move speed),…
  • Self Care is a very strong perk when used correctly. It is quicker to self care than pull a teammate off a gen to heal you, unless you or a teammate are in direct danger. Self caring saves a second or two when healing and having 1 other survivor on a gen, compared to having that survivor heal you and you both work on the…
  • Since all killers are being pushed into the same corner, they should "Billy" the spirit. *She should have a map-wide scream when using her power, and have a 60m radius sound while in phase. Directional sound if within 32 meters of her phasing. *She can spam her power at loops currently, so after every phase she should lose…
  • Yea there is, you loop for 5 gens and have team open exit gates. Or you loop long enough they give up chase to find someone easier. Promoting more immersive gameplay is an awful idea. Tunneling isn't even the problem, going down directly after being unhooked without a chase is. I'm sure killers would be less inclined to…
  • Someone must have necromanced it HAHA. Must have commented thinking it was recent when they used the search bar.