
Check out my YT channel TKX 15 for some pretty decent Dbd vids and more, the support is much appreciated!


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  • Can't imagine explaining that scenario XD
  • There was a time when I got my RTB off first try, then later the Pig found me again and after a chase put another on me. I went back to the same box I used to get the first one off and it actually worked a second time.
  • Have a break, have a Kit-Kat or eat a Snickers cuz you're not you when you're hungry. But in all seriousness, you should probably put some time into playing another game or even giving survivor a chance, because I know that playing killer nonstop is fatiguing the mind way more than anything else in this game right now.
  • I'm a Huntress main and I can't even count the amount of times I've baited a survivor over a pallet. If you know how to properly mindgame the survivor will become indecisive no matter what killer you are, and begin to frantically slide back and forth across the pallet, giving you an opening.
  • I play both sides evenly and even when I manage to lose I just point out my faults during the game, like I committed too much to chase, or I didn't pressure gens enough, etc.
  • In other words Dbd just doing "a pretty good job" as usual 🙃
  • Hearing that traps late game meant nothing anymore was disheartening, but hopefully down the road there's some reconsideration in the handling of her ability and objective pressure. I feel like it's still possible for a Pig to be terrifying as long as she plays as oppressively as she can.
  • I get that the Pig was given a very unfair nerf to a system of gameplay that actually worked, however it didn't completely destroy the strength she has over slowing games. Then people complain that the lunge is useless, even though if you zig zag the lunge on a loop correctly you'll almost always get a hit.
  • Excuse me sir, I have mained Pig and she is anything but weak. Just because a killer doesn't have an instadown ability like the killers you listed or a ridiculous hitbox doesn't mean they're bad. I hope you actually attempt to learn the character while playing instead of thinking your gonna get a 4k the first match you get.
  • I play both sides, and I've definitely seen a lot more Noed as of late, but out of about 10 of the matches I was in yesterday there were only two killers who actually got some use out of it. Honestly, when I heard the Ruin change I just subbed it for Hex: Haunted Ground and it works just fine..