I uhhh... I've definitely never had that happen, and gone on to survive the whole match, multiple times in a day before. No sir, I would never rage Kobe in a game...
So uhh, only read the first page but did no one tell them that Nemesis + BoP turns him into a "B+ to A-" rank killer? I know, having to use perks to make a killer strong isn't ideal, but when they allow legion to claw his way back out of that shallow grave bHVR dumped him in out back, well...
That's being a little generous. Pretty sure adrenaline, decisive, and maybe even dead hard are more used
It was half joke, half "it's obvious that running away from the nurse is the best way to, literally, run away from the nurse" statement.
First, you want her to be made stronger than she is now. That is a buff. You can call it a revert if you want, but you're asking for nurse to get a buff. Second, if you "blink-blink-swing" then your fatigue covers more than your first blink's recharge, so it "might" be 2 seconds to be back and ready to double-blink again,…
Lol "I don't play games to get bullied by an unbalanced power dynamic" No, you played to bully others with that same dynamic, by using the one killer who was two tiers above even the best alternatives. She's still the strongest killer in the game, but now that she has to wait 1.5ish seconds after her fatigue ends before…
To be fair, their power only ends if they're in it when stunned. If they run you down normally to start, you stunning them means they pop power and jump the pallet, and you're officially boned. All of this assumes they don't use Beast of Prey, as well
Up the ante is a perk, riiiight. Can't recall the last time I saw someone bring it, completely forgot it existed lol
bHVR nerfs like their middle name is Blizzard. If we force their hand on a particular issue, then you better be damn sure they aren't going to be revisiting it anytime soon lol
Doubling up on nemesis and BoP guarantees you'll get your cancer interactions. Gotta go with two of the slowdown perks to buy you the time to get your downs though, so two of ruin/pop/thana/DL/TT should do it just fine. A shame they can't DC without taking matchmaking penalties once this goes live... Heheheh
The oni is a damn powerhouse, and I want him to be released as such. Let him be a god among men, and the data will speak for itself. No knee-jerk reactions, just solid gameplay info. One important thing though is that since the DC punishment is going to go live with him, you'll have to account for way more suicides where…