Thanks this helps a lot! I meant in terms from best map to worst.
Thanks! I’m hopping off the forum for tonight but I’ll be sure to check it out!
I see, so like if I brought an iridescent Mori and hooked the whole team once I could tunnel and kill them all with no real counter? yeah, seems like it would be annoying. I’ll probably keep away. if they have unique animations I might check them out in a custom with friends but yeah, thanks!
Alrighty! Thank you! I’ll look into that! i heard sprint burst is pretty good too.
okay! Thank you again! In relation to what is and isn’t toxic my friend mentioned something call a mori? I’m unsure what those are but he said they are very toxic and I would like to confirm.
Ah, Thanks! I play console so I don’t see endgame chat but I appreciate it non the less.
Oh, cool!
Yikes. building upon that, what such things should I not do?
Thank you! I Try to get at least silver in most emblems each game!
I see. Thanks once again! I was a little scared this community was toxic, (my friend told me it was very toxic) but I’m grateful for all the help!
Thanks! I heard somewhere that If spirit is far enough away and phases towards you it makes a whoosh but I can’t confirm.
I appreciate it! Do you have a suggestion as for a killer to try and work on locating survivors with? I have all base killers and huntress.
Thanks a ton!
I would really appreciate any tips as to perks for doctor.