Where is pretty Kate? 😍 P.S. My congratulations!
Click 'ready' and 'unready' many times in lobby as killer. In the game find one surv, hit him two times and drag his body to a near gen. Hit a gen via your attack a few times. Shake your face up and down.
But how he could videotape if you blinded him. 😁 Btw we need to wait a admin.
I spent about 5 hours for crown for all my survs last evening. It's possible and I got fun. The killer's way is easier. You just need to get a crown statue (space button near it). I'll try it today.
Did you escape with aura of lights? You have to escape with this aura for crown.
I believe we need to stay this perk for campers (btw I hate this killer's style but who am I to dictate game rules). New perks we'll see in next chapters and I'm looking forward it.
Aahhhh... I get it! Maybe currently PH players just wanna Adept achievement so they camp survivors or they can't master new killer well and wanna kill at leat 1-2 survs. Btw I meet Leatherface campers much more than PH.
Hey! You were waiting for new DLC. I understand that. But seriously it isn't the worst update. The map's unusual and I like its atmosphere. But sure its' hard to play, you're right. We just need a time to master its (for example, I really used to hate Doctor's map). About bugs you should write to special topic:…
Why don't you have fun against PH? He isn't imba. If we learn to avoid his attack, we'll get more fun in the game. I appreciate game against PH than Nurse, Rin or Anna, for example (they're so heavy enemy for me).
I get your opinion but I also understand developers. It's a standard model of online games. If you don't want to pay in game - work hard for special game items. What is more DBD skins don't gift you any advantage in the game. If you a casual gamer - just enjoy the game process.
I really like LiS but it isn't a horror genre. I can't imagine this universe in horror setting. But if you wanna play Chloe's character - just pick Nea. Hah. 😁
The same for me. It's possible.
I talk about my experience and I got the 70th level two days ago. Without premium and tasks of the 4th level of the 3rd tome.
I don't agree with you. You may to reach the 70th level without hard tasks. So if you play the game, you'll get your prizes.
I like Michael so much but Ghostface surprise me more often. 😀
I absolutely appreciate Cheryl. I haven't seen tunneling for her or something else. Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Great news! Thank you!
The same for me. I don't have a progress for this achievement.